Context Clues
Using Context Clues tell me the definition of the word dispute in the sentence below: Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work.
What is an argument or disagreement?
The tow truck took the car into the mechanic's garage. The owner of the car followed. The mechanic used his equipment to lift the car. "What do you think happened to the tire?" the man asked. In response, the mechanic held up a nail. "Oh," the man said. "I see." How did the tire go flat?
What is The tire went flat because the man had driven over a nail.
Make a Prediction about what is happening. The storm began suddenly. The lightening lit up the sky and the thunder roared loudly. The electricity was blinking on and off quickly.
What is a thunder storm.

As Momu grew, he became more and more handsome and friendly and kind. He always said "please" and "thank you." All the animals in the village liked him. He was _____ . 

a. funny b. brave c. nice d. big

C. Nice

Using Context Clues tell me the definition of the word saturated in the sentence below: The saturated, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake.
What is wet?
I can swim in the water Or jump in the air, No one can catch me, No one would dare I hop with webbed feet, To my very own beat, I eat flies from the sky, Whem my tongue swings up high, Who Am I?
What is a frog?
Patty practiced her spelling words every night. She did her spelling homework each night also. Predict what will happen when she takes a test.
What is Patty will do well on her test

Watch was whining and barking when his family stepped on the dock. "You don't like this, do you, old fellow?" Henry said to the dog. "Come and get in the car." The dog was _____ .

a. asleep b. upset c. thirsty d. frisky

b. upset

Using Context Clues tell me the definition of the word sustain in the sentence below: Lakes occupy less the two percent of the Earth's surface , yet they help to sustain life. For instance, lakes give us fish to eat, irrigate crops and generate electrical power.
What is to prolong, To keep in existence; maintain?
Josh woke up early on Sunday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to him and said, "It is a perfect day, don't forget to bring a towel!" Where were Josh and his dad going?
What is the beach?
Brianna woke up at 7:00 in the morning. She went to brush her teeth.Then she got dressed. She went downstairs to eat breakfast. Then she grabbed her bag,and went out the door. Where do you predict that she is going?
What is to school.

Kate ran down the hill. She waded through muddy water to the barn. She led out the two horses and shooed them off to higher ground. She drove the cows up the hill. Then she hurried back to the barn. She picked up some piglets and carried them to the house. By this time, she was soaked to the skin.

Kate was _____ the animals.

a. feeding b. training c. petting d. moving

d. moving

Using Context Clues tell me the definition of the word pioneered in the sentence below: The ancient Greeks pioneered many kinds of writing we consider standard today. They wrote speeches , plays, poems, books about science and learning, long histories of things that happened then.
What is to originate or take part in the development of
"Fire!", I yelled. "There's a fire in the bathroom" I screamed. After a moment I thought to myself, Why wasn't anyone answering me? or coming out of there class rooms?. So I yelled again "Fire,Fire!". Still no answer. I decided to get help but when I tried to run it felt like I was going so slow. The doors to all the classrooms where moving further away. All of a sudden I heard an alarm going off. Infer what the person is doing
What is dreaming
Ashanti had worked in the garden all day with her mother. They had started early in the morning while it was still cool. By the end of the day, Ashanti was covered in dirt. Predict what Ashanti will do next
What is clean up/ Take a shower.

They joined the stream of people walking into the village. People came from all around to sell their goods and buy whatever they needed. Market day was also a time for visiting. The greetings started the moment they stepped on the paths into town. ''Hello!'' "How are you?" "How is your family?" The people were _____.

a. late b. old c. friendly d. funny

c. friendly 

Using Context Clues tell me the definition of the word thrive in the sentence below: Bats that eat fruit and nectar spread seeds and help flowers grow. Without bats many important plants would not thrive.
What is to flourish
The shelves were piled high with boxes of every size and shape. Each group had a different picture and different bright colors. There were so many people - men and women, mothers with little children, teenagers putting more boxes on the shelves. Some of the people were talking together as they chose the boxes and cans that they wanted. Jeff was having a hard time remembering which one to buy. He knew that Tooli wouldn't be happy if he brought home the wrong brand! Where was Jeff?
What is the grocery store
Tami loved biking. She had biked in all kinds of weather. She had been planning this bike trip for weeks. Today was going to be great. She woke up early and looked out the window. It was raining! Predict what Tami will do
What is Tami will go on the bike trip anyway

People came to see what the matter was. They could hear the ducklings making a ruckus below. Mama Duck heard them, too! She ran back to the storm drain and wouldn't let anyone get near. "Whack! Whack!" she said. "Get away from my babies!" Firefighters Joe, Paul, and Dennis rushed to the rescue. But they couldn't open the grate.

The ducklings were _____ .

a. trapped b. calmed c. dropped d. washed

a. trapped