RI.7.1 and 7.2
elements of a short story

Word that can replace the word "support" in the following Standard?

Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text

What is help/backup? 


The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, The Scientific Revolution, The American Revolution, The French Revolution, The Industrial Revolution, World War I, Interwar Years, World War II, Cold War, Vietnam War

What is Chronological (sequential) Order?


where and when an event takes place in a short story

What is setting


It is what the passage or paragraph is about.

What is the main idea?


a struggle between a person or an outside force

What is external conflict


  an educated guess

What is an inference?


Medicine has a history spanning many thousands of years and specialized establishments for treating the sick have also existed for eons. Despite the fact that function of hospitals have not changed much during the last century, technological and scientific progress has made possible treatment approaches that could not have been implemented a hundred years ago and made a large contribution to health care. The main differences between hospitals today and a century ago are improved surgical techniques, the safer use of anesthesia, and safer childbirth procedures.

What is compare and contrast?


the most intense or exciting high point of a short story

What is climax


The reason why an author writes.

What is Author's Purpose?


a sign or warning of whats going to happen next

What is foreshadowing


Michael woke up with a start. Someone was banging at the front door. Heavy footsteps clomped over the bare boards of the hallway. A shouting of voices. Jacko's familiar growl, then the front door slammed shut. Michael shivered and pulled the thin blanket closer around his shoulders. Through the cracked glass of the curtainless window, the sky looked gray and dirty. A groan from the other mattress told him that Toby was awake as well.

Which of the following would be considered explicit textual evidence?

A. "the sky looked gray and dirty"

B. Toby is Michael's brother

C. Michael was trying to sleep

D. Michael and Toby were cold

What is the sky looked gray and dirty?

The soft fur of the dog felt like silk against my skin and her black coloring glistened as it absorbed the sunlight, reflecting it back as a perfect, deep, dark mirror.
What is description?

the main events of a short story

What is plot


When you do not know the definition and you have to look around the word.

What is context clues?


visually descriptive or figurative language

What is imagery


Michael woke up with a start. Someone was banging at the front door. Heavy footsteps clomped over the bare boards of the hallway. A shouting of voices. Jacko's familiar growl, then the front door slammed shut. Michael shivered and pulled the thin blanket closer around his shoulders. Through the cracked glass of the curtainless window, the sky looked gray and dirty. A groan from the other mattress told him that Toby was awake as well.

What can you infer about Jacko's mood

A. scared

B. happy

C. excited

D. grumpy

What is Grumpy?


Headaches can have several causes.  Many people think that the major cause of headache is nervous tension, but there is strong evidence that suggests diet and environment as possible factors.  Some people get headaches because they are dependent on caffeine.  Other people may be allergic to salt, or they may have low blood sugar.  Still other people are allergic to household chemicals including polishes, waxes, bug killers, and paint.  If they can manage to avoid these substances, their headaches tend to go away.  When a person has recurring headaches, it is worthwhile to look for the underlying cause, especially if the result of that search is freedom from pain.

What is cause and effect?


the lesson or moral of a story

What is theme


The feeling the author wants the reader to get.

What is mood?


Using prior knowledge and what you read to determine what is happening.

What is inference?


the repeated use of the same constant at the beginning of words

What is alliteration


Last week we installed a kitty door so that our cat could come and go as she pleases. Unfortunately, we ran into a problem. Our cat was afraid to use the kitty door. We tried pushing her through, and that caused her to be even more afraid. The kitty door was dark, and she couldn’t see what was on the other side. The first step we took in solving this problem was taping the kitty door open. After a couple of days, she was confidently coming and going through the open door. However, when we removed the tape and closed the door, once again, she would not go through. They say you catch more bees with honey, so we decided to use food as bait. We would sit next to the kitty door with a can of wet food and click the top of the can. When kitty came through the closed door, we would open the can and feed her. It took five days of doing this to make her unafraid of using the kitty door. Now we have just one last problem; our kitty controls our lives!

What is problem/solution?


the perspective from which the story's told

What is point of view


The vocabulary an author uses to show how he or she feels about a topic.

What is tone?


a comparison between two things: _______is to_______as_________is to___________

What is analogy