Let's Get Warmed Up
Important Story Pieces
Types of Conflict

What literary term is defined as a person or animal that takes part in the action of a literary work?



The part of the plot where the greatest action or turning point of the story occurs is called...

What is the climax?


What literary term is used for the person who is telling the story?

What is the Narrator


The literary term for when an author simply states a trait or characteristic of a character.

What is direct characterization?

What type of conflict is shown in the following situation? A man's hat blows off in a subway and keeps being blown far enough in front of him that he can't catch it.
What is person vs. nature?

The time and place of the action in a literary work is known as what?

What is Setting?

The part of the plot where the characters, setting, and conflict are introduced is known as what?
What is the exposition?

What is the literary term for the main character telling the story.

What is first person point of view?


The main character in a story or drama is called..

What is the Protagonist

What type of conflict is shown in the following situation? A girl wants to join her school's basketball team but is nervous to try out because her arch nemesis is on the other team.
What is person vs. person?

What is the literary term for the central problem or struggle between two opposing forces in a story called?

What is Conflict

The part of the plot where the action is starting to come to a close is known as what?
What is the falling action?

The central message, life lesson learned, or Take-Away that is revealed through a literary work is the definition of which literary term?

What is theme?


The type of character that does not change during the course of the story is called...

What is Flat or Static

What type of conflict is shown in the following situation? Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat at the front of an Alabama bus for a white man to sit in?
What is person vs. society?

What literary term can be defined as the sequence of events in a literary work?

What is Plot

The part of the plot where all "loose ends" are tied up and the problem(s) have been solved is known as what?
What is the resolution?

A graphic organizer that represents the sequence of events in a story is called...

What is a Plot Diagram


The writer shows what the character is like by describing behavior, actions, emotions, gestures, tone of voice and words that the character says

What is indirect characterization

What type of conflict is shown in the following situation? Jim underperforms on tests due to testing anxiety.
What is person vs. self?

The view from which a story is being told is known as what literary term?

What is point of view?

The part of the plot where the action begins is known as what?
What is rising action?

The reader makes an educated guess and comes to logical conclusions based on clues and hints described in the story. 

What is Inference


Characters that the reader becomes familiar with and who develop and change over time are known as...

What is Round or Dynamic Characters

What type of conflict is shown in the following situation? Anna saw Kelly steal one of Mr. Long's pens during class and doesn't know if she should tell a teacher.
What is person vs. self?