the religion of the crusaders
what is christianity
to be able to touch patients from afare
what is a wooden cane?
a person in the Middle Ages who received protection and land from a lord in return for loyalty and service.
what are vassals?
a document signed that established the principle that the king and his government were subject to the law.
what is THE magna Carta?
this is massive
what is the below taper fade meme
mainly Muslims, but also people following other religions
bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic.
what are the three types of the black death
the most respected in the social system
who is the pope? (king works too)
to say that the king was not above law.
what was the purpose of the document?
the guys who give 5 big booms
The Costco guys
for religion purposes, money and some
what motivated the crusaders to fight the Muslims
rats, God, and bad air
what are the main things people believe caused the plague?
a small piece of land given to a vassal in exchange for their service to a lord.
what is a fief?
in 1215
when was the magna Carta signed
guy who's stitches the "I bought a property in Egypt video"
who is the eye of rah guy?
they used firebombs
what special weopon did the Muslims use in battle
they should be exterminated to prevent illness
what did they believe should happen to house pets
a code of respect that knights follow
what is chivalry?
curches inheirentence and widows
what other things were discussed in the magna Carta?
word for the group leader
they would go straight to heaven
what did the crusaders think would happen when they were killed/died during the crusades.
what were the black spots called?
a peasant bound to the land and obligated to work it and provide labor and produce to their lord
what are serfs?
john lackland
who wrote the magna Carta
the people who fight skibidi toilets
wo are the camera and tv men/ women