Eating in class
What is not allowed?
Work that is done at home, assigned almost daily
What is homework?
Math workbook
Charged Chrome book
What are the things I should bring to class every day?
4 + 22 = 26
What is adding?
Remember to practice these each week when assigned
What are IXL skills?
Chewing gum in class
What is allowed? (be sure wrappers are in the garbage)
Papers I complete that are worth 100% of my grade
What are tests and quizzes?
A tool I will need sometimes in class to help me with my calculations
What is a calculator?
56-23 = 33
What is subtraction?
You can always do this and your teacher will help you
What is ask for help?
What is the only drink allowed in class?
The score I earn if I miss a test or quiz (until I come in to make it up)
What is 0%?
A tool I need to have that will help me measure things when needed in class.
What is a ruler?
4 x 6 = 24
2 x 7 = 14
5 x 10 = 50
3 x 9 = 27
What are my multiplication facts?
You are probably not used to doing this, but you should start doing this now
What is studying for tests?
Items earned during class sometimes when participating and achieving the correct answer
What is candy?
When I make up a test or quiz during lunch time
What is a retake?
To borrow this tool, I need to give the teacher a shoe or my phone for the class period
What is a pencil?
54 / 9 = 6
What is division?
Be quiet, listen to the teacher, raise your hand
What are some rules in class?
This is where beverages and snacks go if I bring then into class
What is on the counter by the sink?
Working hard in class every day and completing my assignments
What is how to earn my best grade?
The organ that you need to use every day in class to help you learn your math skills
What is the brain?
What are fractions?
I tried, but I got it wrong
What is it is ok to make mistakes?