This prefix means "in front of" or "before."
What is ante-?
This suffix means "to make."
What is -ize?
This root means "time."
What is chron or temp?
The root "fract" or "frag" means this.
What is to break?
This root means "city."
What is urb?
This prefix means "together" or "with."
What is co-, con-, com-?
This suffix means "characterized by a specified quality."
What is -some?
This root means "air."
What is aer, aero?
The root "ped" or "pod" refers to this body part.
What is foot?
This root means "people."
What is pop?
This prefix means "without" or "not."
What is a-?
This suffix means "full of" or "characterized by."
What is -ous, -ious, -eous?
This root means "to go, yield, or surrender."
What is cede, ceed?
The root "tract" means this.
What is to draw or pull?
This root means "mother" and is used in words like "maternal."
What is mater, matr, matri?
This prefix means "after" or "following."
What is post-?
This suffix means "result of an action or collection."
What is -age?
This root means "to move."
What is mot, mob?
The root "pater, patr" refers to this family member.
What is father?
This root means "father" and is used in words like "paternal."
What is pater, patr?
This prefix means "from" or "away."
What is ab-?
This suffix means "tending toward an action."
What is -ive, -itive, -ative?
This root means "race, kind, species, or birth."
What is gen?
The root "liber" means this.
What is free?
This root means "law" or "to choose, pick, read, or speak."
What is leg, lect, lig?