Pop culture
Percent Equation & Conversions
Percent Change/Percent Error
Sales Tax, Tip, Discount
Circle & Proportions

This singer holds the record for most Grammy nominations. 

 Who is Beyonce?


Convert 120% to a decimal.

What is 1.2?


A drink that originally sold in 16-ounce containers is now in 20-ounce containers. What is the percent of change in quantity? (Inc or dec?) 

What is 25% increase.


How much would a $ 289bicycle cost after a 15% discount?  

What is $245.65.


What is the distance around a circle with a radius of 7 cm?  Use π = 3.14

approx 43.96 cm 


This person has the most followers on Instagram. 

Who is Cristiano Ronaldo


A bakery sells 150 donuts a day. If 70% of these are sold in the morning, how many donuts are sold in the morning?

What is 105 donuts


On Tuesday, Nash made 231 foul shouts; on Wednesday he made 258. What is the percent change in his free throws? Round to the nearest percent. (Inc or dec?)

What is 12% increase.


A sweater costs $37.99. The sales tax is 6%. What is the total price of the sweater?

What is $40.27.


A recipe uses 5 cups of flour for every 4 cups of water.

What does (1, 1.25) mean in terms of the situation.

What is: 1 cup of water for every 1.25 cups of flour.


This video is the most watched Youtube video of all time.

"Baby Shark Dance" with 11 billion views


0.5% of all statistics are true. Ms. Lysaght has a list of 1,400 statistics. How many are false? 

What is 1,393 statistics.


Cumberland Farms sells milk for $1.99 per gallon, but they used to sell it for $2.79. What is the percent change in the price? Round to the nearest whole percent.  (Inc or dec?)

What is 40% decrease.


After a 20% tip, the price of a meal is 90. Find the cost of the meal before tip.  

What is $75


A group of scouts use 14 flashlight batteries on a three-night camping trip. If they are planning on bringing 70 batteries, how many nights can they stay?  

What is 15 nights?


 How many years will have passed between the release of Avatar and its sequel, Avatar: The Way of Water?


Use the percent proportion A store paid $75.29 for a couch. To make a profit, the store charged 270% of the cost. What is the price tag the store puts on the couch?
What is $208.28

PC Bites estimates that a new Macbook costs $1099. Determine the percent of error in price if the actual price is $1349. Round to the nearest whole percent.

What is 19%.


After a 30% discount on a jacket, Elvia pays 67.20. What was the original price? 

What is $96


The distance around a circle is 22π cm. Find the exact area of the circle (in terms of π). 

What is 121π cm2


Who was the highest paid actor in 2022 according to Forbes?

Dwayne the Rock Johnson


Convert 0.07% to a decimal

What is .0007?


A student estimates the mass of an object to be 325g. The actual mass is 342g. What is the percent error? 

What is 5%.


If a stereo is sold for $59.99, and Karen pays $64.19 for it when she checks out, what is the sales tax in the area?

What is 7% tax.


The equation y = 6x show the relationship between the number of hours (x) and Youtube videos watched (y). What is the constant of proportionality for this situation (and include units)?

6 videos per 1 hour or 6 videos/hour