Objects in a bag
A jar contains 8 marbles marked with the numbers 1 through 8. You pick a marble at random. What is the probability of not picking the marble marked with the number 5?
Mr. Daniels used a spinner to determine who will be the leader for the start of 15 upcoming practices. Joshua's name was spun 4 times, Russell was spun 6 times and Marshall was spun 5 times. What is the experimental probability of spinning Russell's name?
6/15 which simplifies to 3/5
The letters of the word probability are placed in a bag. The probability of picking a b is...
what is 2/11?
the set of all possible outcomes for an event is known as the....?
sample space
If the probability of an event occurring is 0.4, what is the probability of the even NOT occurring?
The classic wood carousel at Carousel Park in Hampton, VA has 32 jumping horses and 16 standing horses. What is the probability of randomly selecting a jumping horse?
2/3 or 66.6% or 0.66666
zhane sapins a spinner 50 times and records the results of each spin. red is spun 20 times, blue 10 times, green 5 times and yellow 15 times. Based on the data, which of the following is true? A.The blue section is twice as large as the red section. B. The green section is larger than the yellow section. C. The red section is smaller than the blue section D. The green section is half of the blue section
The letters of the word probability are placed in a bag. The probability of picking an i is...
Define "experimental probability."
The probability of what actually occurs. Comparing the number of times the event occurs to the total number of trials.
Sandy spun a spinner with 5 equal parts labeled 1-5. What is the probability she will NOT spin a 4?
What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 4 on a standard number cube?
A letter tile is randomly selected from a bag, recorded, and replaced 100 times. The results are listed below. What is the experimental probability of selecting the letter "E"? A = 16 E = 11 I = 29 O = 19 U = 25
11/100 or 0.11, or 11%
The letters of the word probability are placed in a bag. The probability of picking a r is...
You roll a number cube from 1 to 6. Give an example of an event that is impossible
Something that wont happen. rolling a 7
A bag contains 9 red tiles, 10 blue tiles, and 6 green tiles. A tile is randomly drawn from the bag. Which statement is true? F The probability of drawing a red tile is 36% and the probability of NOT drawing a red tile is 64%. G The probability of drawing a blue tile is 30% and the probability of NOT drawing a blue tile is 70%. H The probability of drawing a green tile is 25% and the probability of NOT drawing a green tile is 75%. J The probability of drawing a red tile is greater than the probability of NOT drawing a green tile.
There are 3 red marbles, 2 green marbles, and 1 yellow marble in a box. What is the probability that the marble taken out was red?
Pedro recorded the types of birds that visit his bird feeder. Based on the results below, what is the probability the next bird will be a chickadee? Woodpecker = 3 Chickadee = 5 Cardinal = 1 Sparrow = 13 Blue Jay = 3
1/5, or 0.20, or 20%
The letters of the word probability are placed in a bag. The probability of picking a vowel is...
4 out of 11
Define "complementt."
an event is the set of all outcomes in the sample space that are not included in the event
There are 14 girls and 12 boys. Is this statement true or false Explain the statement: Probability of NOT picking a boy
picking girl
Jarvonya spins a spinner with 5 equal sections with the letters A-E. What is the probability she will spin an C or B?
Christopher picked coins randomly from his piggy bank. He got 7 pennies, 2 nickels, 8 dimes and 6 quarters. Find the experimental probability that the next coin picked will be a penny or a nickel.
6 blue, 7 green, 9 brown, and 15 yellow M&Ms are placed in a bucket. The probability of pulling out a yellow M&M is
Define "simple event."
When there is only one outcome for an event
Mrs. Likely wrote each letter of the word ARITHMETIC on a separate index card. She asked her students to write a probability question in which the correct answer would be 2/5. What question might a student write?
the probability of picking an I or T