What was the title of the ruler of Ancient Egypt?

If you spell it right, bonus point!

The Pharaoh


What two rivers were essential to Mesopotamia?

The Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers


1. Define agriculture

2. Define irrigation

1. Farming

2. Controlling water for farming


What is a source?

Anything that gives you information


Define dynasty

A series of rulers from the same family.


1. In what modern day day country was most of Mesopotamia located in?

2. In what modern day day region was Mesopotamia located in?

1. Iraq

2. The Middle East


Define surplus



1. Define primary source and give an example

2. Define secondary source and give an example

1. Information from someone or something that experienced or witnessed an event. First hand knowledge.

2. Information from someone or something that DID NOT experience or witness an event. Something produced outside of the time period.  


Where specifically did most of the population live in Ancient Egypt and why?

The Nile River Delta. It has the most amount of fertile farmland


What was the name of the religious temples in Mesopotamia?



What is the concept of "An eye for an eye"?

Consequences match the crime 


Fill in the blanks

1. The zero degree line of latitude is called the ____. It splits the world into a ____ hemisphere and a _____ hemisphere.

2. The zero degree line of longitude is called the ____. It splits the world into a ____ hemisphere and a _____ hemisphere.

1. Equator, Northern / Southern

2. Prime Meridian, Eastern / Western


The Nile River floods were essential to Egypt for what reason?

The floods brought fertile silt to Egypt


1. What was the name of Mesopotamia's system of writing?

2. What was the name of Ancient Egypt's system of writing?

3. How were they similar?

1. Cuneiform

2. Hieroglyphics

3. They were pictures/drawings that represented words


1. Was Upper Egypt or Lower Egypt further North? 

2. Why were they called Upper and Lower Egypt?

1. Lower Egypt was North of Upper Egypt

2. It's based on elevation


Define region and give an example

Region, a place with similar characteristics such as culture or geography

Examples: Latin America, The Midwest, New England, The Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, The Balkans, The Caribbean


Name the 3 seasons of Ancient Egypt

Akhet - Flood season

Peret - Growing season

Shemu - Harvest season


What is the name of this region? 

Hint - it's not Mesopotamia. It's "The _____  _____

The Fertile Crescent


Describe how the first civilizations developed. 


People settled near rivers where there was lots of fertile soil. This meant crops could grow well there, which led to the rise of agriculture. People learned how to plant seeds and grow food, and over time, they developed systems of irrigation to bring water to their fields. Agriculture and irrigation eventually produced a surplus of food and allowed people to specialize in different jobs, like making tools, building, or trading. With different people doing different jobs and plenty of food, small villages grew into larger cities. These cities became the first in the world, with different people working together to build a more complex society.


Name all 7 continents and order them from largest to smallest

Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia