Reading Skillz
The Big Idea
Word Choice
Arguing 101

To outline the steps

What is trace?


Most formally known as "the main idea". This is what we as 7th graders refer to it as...

What is the "central idea"?


Formally known as the author's attitude in a piece of writing.

What is "tone"?


It is commonly known as the author's main point within an argument.

What is a "claim"?


To read between the lines

What is to "infer"?


Identify TWO BATT transitions that you should use in your written responses. 

What is (**answers may vary)

-Based on the text,

-According to the text,

-The text states,

-The author statess,


In order to find the central (main) idea, you must first identify the main subject of the passage. This is also known as the....

What is the topic?

The feelings a reader experiences, which was created by the author's tone.

What is "mood"?


This part of an argument states the other side's opinion or perspective. 

What is a "counter claim"?


Read the following sentence. What can you infer based on the information provided?

Martin spied a man coming toward him on horseback. He was a very old man, with a face wrinkled by the sun as if he were an ancient shoe left lying for years. The man's long-matted hair and beard had once been white, but they were now stained with dirty and debris. His teeth were yellow as moldy cheese. 

What is the man was homeless?


This is the number of paragraphs that should be included for a SHORT answer response. 

What is at least one?


The author wants you to learn this when he wrote this passage...

Do you ever wonder how you taste things? You owe your sense of taste to your taste buds. We have nine thousand taste buds just on the tongue alone. There are also taste buds on the roof of your mouth. You even have taste buds on the back of your throat.


What is the location of human tastebuds?


Type of figurative language featured here:

The ferocious dog, that had pearly white fur,  growled at the short postman, causing him to drop the mail and run as far as he could. 

What is imagery?


There must be this # of relevant pieces of evidence for an argument to be considered "sufficient". 

What is 2?


Inferences are conclusions that can be proven by what you ____________ or what you can see.

What is know?


These TWO things MUST be included in your point sentence when following PEEL in a short answer or extended response.

What is restate the question and provide an answer? 


This is the central idea of the passage below:

When a person decides to get a dog, he or she has many kinds to choose from. As a rule, short-haired dogs are best for cities. Beagles, Boston Terriers, and Dachshunds make good city pets. Great Danes are short-haired, too. However, they are too big for city living. It is hard in a city to give them all the exercise they need. Setters, Springer Spaniels, and Collies are especially good as country dogs.

What is "Some dog breeds are better than others, especially when living in large city areas."


This type of figurative language is featured below.

Crocodile teeth are ivory daggers; they can shred animals instantly. 

What is a metaphor?


Read the following paragraph. The sentence in italics would be considered this part of an argument...

“Some parents argue that teens should not be allowed to use social media because they can easily become addicted. However, they are wrong.  Simply keeping teens away from social media is not the answer; teens should be taught how to use social media responsibly.   For instance, there is always a risk of addiction when using technology, but with proper education, teens can be taught the "do's" and "do not's" of social media and technology.”

What is the author's "rebuttal" to the counterclaim?


Read the following passage. What can you infer about flood cleanup?

"Due to their incredible force and unpredictability, floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood."

What is flood cleanup can be costly and time consuming?


This is the reason why it is important to use more than one piece of evidence when using PEEL in a short answer or extended response. 

What is to provide sufficient evidence to prove your claim (thoughts)? 


The purpose of this text is to show readers-

Could you be a record setter? If you want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, you will need to do something better than anyone else in the world. First, read all of the current records. Decide if you will try to break an existing record or set a new one. Write to Guinness Records to get the guidelines. Keep careful notes on your record attempts. Two reliable persons or organizations must act as witnesses. Each record attempt must be recorded on videotape. If you think you can do it, give it a try! 

What is "how they could possibly become a record holder."


Read the following sentence. 

Dante was depressed about losing the tennis match. 

Depressed can best be replaced with (cheerful, saddened, encouraged, or joyous).

What is "saddened"?


These definitions are "key" within an argument. Provide the definitions of sufficient and its antonym.

What is "enough" and "not enough"?


Read the following excerpt. What can you infer about Shanay's whereabouts?

Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry.


What is Shanay was at an aquarium?