Measuring Length&Volume
What is the basic unit of length in the metric system?
What is the meter stick.
What is the basic unit for measuring mass in the metric system?
What is grams.
What is density?
What is the measure of the amount of matter of how much matter there is in a given volume.
What is the scientific method?
What is a process scientists use to answer questions about the world around us.
Convert the following problem: 10 km= _______________cm
What is 10000000 cm
How many centimeters are in a meter?
What is 100 cm.
What is weight?
What is the measure of the force of gravity on an object.
How do you calculate density?
What is mass divided by volume.
In an experiment what is the control?
What is the part of the experiment that does not change and is use for comparison.
Convert the following equation 6.7 mL= ______________L
What is .0067 L
How many millimeters are in a centimeter?
What is 10 mm.
What is mass?
What is the measure of the amount of matter in an object.
Why does a kilogram of sand take up much less space than a kilogram of feathers?
What is because a kilogram of sand is more dense and feathers are less dense. Sand has more mass in a smaller amount of volume and feathers have a smaller amount of mass in a larger area.
What is the independent variable in an experiment?
What is the part of the experiment that is being test or changed by the person doing the experiment.
What should you do if you ever get injured in the science lab.
What is tell the teacher immediately.
What is the equation for calculating the volume of a solid object?
What is length X width X height.
True or false, your weight stays the same if you were to travel to the moon.
What is false, your mass stays the same, weight changes because the force of gravity is different.
If you drop a block of iron and a block of wood into water, the iron sinks and the wood floats. What can you conclude about the density of iron and wood compared to the density of water?
What is the block of iron is more dense than water it sinks and the block of wood is less dense than water because it floats.
What is the dependent variable in an experiment?
What is the part of the experiment that is being affected by the independent variable.
If you drop a marble in a graduated cylinder that had 50mL of water in it and the volume after you drop the marble in is 57.5mL. What is the volume of the marble?
What is 7.5mL
What is water displacement?
What is a method for finding the volume of an odd shaped object. You measure a specific amount of liquid in a graduated cylinder, place the object in the liquid and the difference between your starting volume and your ending volume is the volume of the object.
Why do scientists prefer to use the term mass instead of weight?
What is mass does not change and weight does.
If you have an object with a mass of 150g and a volume of 15 cubic centimeters, what is its density?
What is 10g/cubic centimeter.
Read the Krusty Krabs Breath Mints paragraph and answer the following questions. 1. Which people are in the control group? 2. What is the independent variable? and 3. What is the dependent variable?
What is 1. Group B 2. The breath mint 3. Their stinky breath
What is the meniscus?
What is the curve at the top of water in a cylinder.