Circulatory System
Mono Lake
The Five Senses
Populations and Ecosystems

The smallest thing that can be considered living.

What is a cell?


When writing a molecular formula.

1. The number that represents the number of specific compounds is called this.

2. The number that represents the number of particles of each element in the specific compounds is called this.

1. Coefficient

2. Subscript


What is biodiversity? Why is it important?

Biodiversity is the variety of life, all the different kinds of organisms living in an area.

More biodiversity means the ecosystem is more stable.


The sensory membrane that lines the inside of the eye, it receives and processes light information and sends it to the brain.

What is the optic nerve?


All ___________ on Earth combine to form the biosphere. 

Similar climate conditions and communities, although they might not need to be near each other. 

What is a biome?


1.____________ carry blood away from the heart and 2. __________ carry blood to the heart.

1. arteries

2. veins


 The ratio of mass and volume in a sample of matter.

What is density?


The name of a special kind of keystone species that changes the ecosystem they live in?

What is a ecosystem engineer?


The clear part of the eye that covers the iris and pupil, allows light to enter the eye. 

What is the cornea?


1. ____________ are producers that can make their own food.

2. ___________ are consumers that cannot make their own food. 

1. autotrophs

2. heterotrophs


The two functions of the Circulatory System are

1. __________________


1. transportation

2. temperature regulation


A physical characteristic of a substance that can be observed without changing it chemically, such as size, shape, density, and phase.

What is a physical property?


Where is Mono Lake located?

Mono Lake is an ancient saline lake located at the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada in California. 


In the eyes there are two types of cells. 1. One allows us to see movement and shades of gray/ black & white. 2. The other allows us to see color and details. What are they called?

1. rods

2. cones


This person was an author and a biologist who brought the concerns of DDT (pesticides) to view. 

Who is Rachel Carson?


The only veins in our body that pump oxygenated blood are the ___________________.

pulmonary veins


1. All moving objects have this type of energy.

2. Another name for heat energy is called.

1. Kinetic Energy

2. Thermal Energy


What was one abiotic and one biotic limiting factor at Mono Lake?

Biotic - food sources, predators, introduction to new species

Abiotic - change in average yearly temperature, colder than average winters, changes in habitat


Name two of the three types of sensory receptors

1. photoreceptors

2. mechanoreceptors

3. chemoreceptors


1.What is biomagnification? DETAILS REQUIRED

2. Give one real world example and its effects



The ___________ system depends on the circulatory system to transport hormones throughout the entire body. 

endocrine system


This person created the Periodic Table. (first/last name)

Who is Dmitri Mendeleev?


For a 20-kilogram (kg) coyote to survive, it takes how many kg of phalaropes, brine shrimp, and algae?

20 kg coyote, 200 kg phalaropes, 2000 brine shrimp, and 20000 algae


Describe the path of sound waves from the pinna (outer ear) to the auditory nerve.

1. Pinna, 2. Auditory Canal, 3. Ear Drum (Tympanic Membrane), 4. Hammer, Anvil, Stapes (Stirrup), 5. Cochlea, 6. Auditory the BRAIN


Draw a food chain with 5 animals/plants and label their tropic levels.

Primary Producer, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Tertiary Consumer, Quaternary Consumer