Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Science 5
Name one of the organisms that do perform photosynthesis.
Plants & some Bacteria
What is the energy source that plants use to accomplish photosynthesis?
What main part of the plant does photosynthesis usually occur in?
The Leaves
What is the process that produces glucose and sugars from carbon dioxide and water?
What are glucose storage molecules called?
Where does a plant get the carbon dioxide it needs for photosynthesis?
The Air or The Atmosphere
Name three out of the four places where plants store food they do not immediately use?
1). Roots 2). Stem 3). Leaves 4). Fruit
Where does a plant get the water it needs for photosynthesis?
Moisture in the soil brought to the plant through its roots.
What are the reactants of photosynthesis and the equation for the reactants?
1). Carbon, Dioxide & Water 2). 6CO2 + 6H2O
Chlorophyll in the plant transforms solar or light energy into what type of energy that a plant can use?
Chemical Energy
What is the green pigment that captures the sun's energy like a solar panel?
What are plants in the food chain and why?
Plants are producers because they produce their own food.
What happens to the oxygen produced by photosynthesis?
The excess oxygen is released through the stomata and placed somewhere inside Earth's atmosphere.
What are the products of photosynthesis and the equation for the products?
1). Glucose / Sugar and Oxygen 2). C6H12O6 + 6O2
What do plants use energy for?
Plants use energy to grow and reproduce.
What are the three functions of the plant stem? (You can name two out of the three and still get the question correct.)
1). Stems hold up the plant. 2). Stems transport water and nutrients. 3). Stems store food for the plant.
Inside the plant, glucose is combined with other nutrients and minerals to produce what? (You can give me two out of the three to get the question correct.)
1). Carbohydrates (Sugars & Starches) 2). Proteins 3). Lipids
What is the cellular part inside the plant cells where photosynthesis occurs?
The Chloroplast
Name one of the organisms that do not perform photosynthesis?
Animals, Insects, Viruses & most Bacteria
What are the three main functions of plant roots?
1). Plant roots anchor the plant to the ground. 2). Plant roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. 3). Plant roots store food for the plant.
How does a perennial plant or tree survive through the winter months, after its leaves have fallen off? (Hint: A perennial plant or tree is a plant or tree that lives during many seasons.)
A perennial plant draws energy from the food they have stored when they are unable to do photosynthesis.
What cell structure is a doorway for gases to enter and exit from the leaf as well as which gases enter the leaf and which gases exit the leaf?
The stomata is the cell structure that is a doorway for gases to enter and exit the leaf. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf. Water vapor and oxygen gas exits the leaf.
What process breaks down glucose to release ATP energy for the plant? (Hint: This name is known as the opposite of photosynthesis in its equation form.)
Cellular Respiration
What are three pieces of evidence that determine that photosynthesis is a chemical reaction?
1). Formation of a gas (Oxygen) 2). Change in energy (Absorbs Light) 3). New substance formed (Glucose / Sugar and Oxygen Gas)
How is the Law of Conservation of Matter demonstrated in the photosynthesis reaction?
The Law of Conservation of Matter is demonstrated in photosynthesis by the equation having the same number of Hydrogen atoms, Carbon atoms and Oxygen atoms on each side.