The three phases of matter are...
Solid, Liquid, and Gas
Macroscale means...
large scale, processes that can be observed with eye
The mouth, nose, throat, esophagus, and lungs make up the _______ system
The substances that come together in a chemical reaction to form new substances are called...
The instrument used to measure temperature
The name for the phase change from solid to liquid
Small scale, processes that occur at the molecular level
The circulatory system is made up of...
The heart, veins, and arteries,
The new substance that is formed as a result of a chemical reaction is called?
A product
An "L" on a weather map is used to show..
Low Pressure System
The name for the phase change from gas to liquid
True or False:
All bacteria are harmful to human beings?
False! Humans need many types of bacteria to survive!
The digestive system is made of...
The mouth (teeth), throat, stomach, and intestines.
When a chemical reaction occurs the product has ______or _______ properties.
New or different
A cold front is symbolized by these shapes on a line
Which phase has molecules with the most energy?
True or False:
Atoms are smaller than cells.
Atoms are 1,000 times smaller than cells
Ms. Williams Asks
During a chemical reaction atoms and molecules _______ and _______ to form new substances.
combine and rearrange
As latitude increases, temperature ...
Boiling turns liquids into gases much faster than Evaporation. Evaporation is a phase change and boiling is not
A scale model is...
An exact model using the same proportions but made in a smaller size (Example: a globe)
Ms. Williams asks
During a chemical reaction matter is not _______ or _________.
created or destroyed
The type of air pressure that is associated with colder air temperatures
High Pressure