Modern Technology
Industrial Age Technology
The Great Exhibition
Industrial Life
This technology by a well-known website/search engine allows you to take a picture with a blink of an eye
What is Google Glass?
The first country to have an industrial revolution.
What is Britain?
The building housing the Great Exhibition earned this glassy nickname.
What is the Crystal Palace?
When food production increased and new medicines emerged, it wasn't long until this expanded and exploded too.
What is population?
The immortal cells of this woman have been used in hundreds of medical experiments.
Who is Henrietta Lacks?
This web service allows you to quickly post and comment on photos. It was purchased by Facebook in 2012
What is Instragram?
When George Stephenson invented this machine it blasted into the transportation future.
What is the rocket?
English Queen in 1851, she visited the exhibit 40 times.
Who is Queen Victoria?
Workers operating Spinning Jennies and flying shuttles would soon find themselves working long hours in these industrial age nightmares.
What are factories?
This young Harvard student, "liked" what he saw when his status became billionaire after his social network site went public in 2007.
Who is Mark Zuckerberg?
Name one dilemma associated with the social networking website Facebook.
What are privacy issues, stalking, kids getting on too young, ad, addiction?
James Watt couldn't keep a lid on this invention which pumped water from mines and paved the way for many other unplanned uses.
What is the steam engine?
The chair of the committee that organized the exhibit and princely husband of the queen.
Who is Prince Albert?
This group of people clamored for more rights, including the right to vote, for which many of them "suffer-ed"
Who are women?
Joseph Bazalgette needed a hot bath and a good laundry service at the end of his days building this underground "necessity."
What is the sewer system?
In this high tech age, some people have taken to setting these aside at dinner parties.
What are cell phones?
Henry Bessemer needed a lot of heat to turn iron into this industrial age necessity.
What is steel?
Famous writer who visited twice, but felt "used up" by all the exhibits.
Who is Charles Dickens?
Workers wanted to attend the Great Exhibition couldn't go for free, but they could attend on these designated days.
What are Shilling Days?
This new mayor of New York City will need more than a smart phone to achieve his agenda.
Who is Bill De Blasio?
Johannes Gutenberg would tip his hat, (or shed a tear) to the folks who came up with this "page-turning" change to his old invention.
What is an eBook?
The first Asian country to industrialize was not, as you might think, China, but this smaller neighbor.
What is Japan?
One exhibit that looked a little "goth" and out of place, celebrated this era long before the industrial age.
What are Middle Ages or Medieval Era?
These angry workers "luv'dd" to smash machines they blamed for taking their jobs.
Who are Luddites?
This radiant French personality was the first woman to be accepted into University of Sorbonne in Paris.
Who is Marie Curie?