East Asia
Southwest Asia and North Africa
South Asia
Bonus Knowledge!

This geographical term describes a collection of islands

What is an archipelago?


This river, also known as the Yangtze, is the longest in Asia.

What is Chang Jiang?


This major city in Turkey straddles Europe and Asia across the Bosphorus Strait

What is Istanbul?


This mountain range in South Asia is home to the highest peaks on Earth, including Mount Everest.

What are the Himalayas?


This term describes resources that can be replenished naturally at a rate comparable to their consumption.

What are renewable resources?


This is a landform at the mouth of a river, formed from sediment deposits.

What is a delta?


This ancient network of trade routes connected the East to the West, facilitating not only commerce but also the exchange of culture and ideas.

What is the Silk Road?


This is the early system of writing developed in ancient Mesopotamia.

What is cuneiform?


This leader used nonviolent resistance to help lead India to independence from British rule

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


This type of government is characterized by a single party or leader controlling all aspects of citizens' lives, without opposition.

What is a totalitarian government?


This seasonal wind in South and Southeast Asia brings heavy rain during certain times of the year.

What is a monsoon?


This major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean is where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.

What is the Ring of Fire?


He was an ancient Babylonian ruler famous for creating one of the first written codes of law.

Who is King Hammurabi?


This system of social stratification has historically influenced the social structure in India.

What is the Caste System?


This phenomenon occurs when winds shift, dramatically affecting the climate in South and Southeast Asia with heavy rains.

What is a monsoon?


This term describes an area of flat, elevated land that has steep sides.

What is a plateau?


These large Japanese business conglomerates played a significant role in Japan's industrial expansion before World War II.

What are Zaibatsu?


This crescent-shaped region contains comparatively moist and fertile land and is often called the birthplace of civilization.

What is the Fertile Crescent?


This term describes land capable of being plowed and used to grow crops, important in agricultural societies like India.

What is arable?


This ancient trade route connected China to the Mediterranean, facilitating not just commerce but cultural exchange.

What is the Silk Road?


This map type specifically shows natural landforms like mountains and rivers, helping us understand the physical landscape.

What is a physical map?


This term describes the historical pattern of rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties in Chinese history, often starting with strong leadership and ending in decay.

What is the Dynastic Cycle?


These massive monuments were built as tombs for Pharaohs in ancient Egypt and are one of the major tourist attractions today.

What are the Pyramids?


In Hinduism and Buddhism, this term describes the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, which decides their fate in future existences.

What is Karma?


These Japanese industrial conglomerates played a significant role in the country's economy until they were dissolved after World War II.

What are Zaibatsu?