Native American Regions
European Exploration
The Middle Passage & Roots
Christopher Columbus
All about Ms. B & 701

This Native American region is characterized by a dry and hot climate.

What is the Southwest region?


The Spanish King and Queen released this statement in 1513 claiming the Spanish had the God given right to possess Native American land.

What is the Requirement?


Most Africans were sold into slavery by these people.

Who are other Africans?


Christopher Columbus may have worked for the Spanish but he was born in this country.

What is Italy?


Ms. B was born on this month and date.

What is November 19th?


This Native American region contains flat land, with few water sources, and many roaming bison herds.

What is the Plains region?


Historians believe the motivations for European exploration can be defined as power, wealth, and morality.  These motivations are also defined in this way.

What is God, Gold and Glory?


In Roots, Kunta Kinte is seen doing this action when he is lying down shackled to the deck of the ship.

What is throwing up?

This King and Queen provided money to Columbus as he attempted to find a new route to India.

Who is King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain?


The color of my attendance folder.

What is green?


This native American region contains such animals such as deer and beavers.

What are the Eastern Woodlands?


Most European explorers wanted to find a way to get to India for these reasons.

What are silk and spices?


Kunta Kinte was sold out by this rival tribe.

Who are the Koros?


When Columbus finally reached the Americas, he came in contact with this group of people.

Who are the Tainos?

These two students use to be in this class but no longer are.

Who is Ryan and Sebastian?


This Native American region depended on water resources close by in order to survive.

What is the Pacific Northwest region?


Native Americans found this animal useful for hunting when it was traded to the New World from the Old world.

What are horses?


The Europeans used this method to ensure they knew which slave was theirs.

What is branding?


Christopher Columbus believed he could easily take the Tainos with this amount of men.

What are fifty men?


Name on keychain on my key ring.

Who is Bob Ross, Kermit, The Grouch, or a Dragon?

The tipi was the shelter of choice for the Natives who lived in this region.

What are Plains region?


In the Encounter, the Taino boy compares Columbus to this animal.

What is a snake?


After Kunta arrives in the Americas, he becomes and receives this new name.

Who is Toby?


According to the Encounter, Columbus' men exchanged these gifts with better items from the Tainos.

What are beads, red caps, broken glass, broken plates?


Ms. B is an aunt to one person. 

What is a nephew?