Expository Essay
Expository Extras!
Revising & Editing
Revising & Editing
Test Taking Strategies

Two of the ways to "hook" your reader.

What is:  figurative language, interesting statement, descriptive image, rhetorical question, (famous) quote


The purpose of an expository essay.

What is: To explain a topic.


What change, if any, should be made to this sentence: "Your brain is responsible for controlling the muscles that you move intentional". a. Add a comma before for b. Change controlling to controling c. Change intentional to intentionally d. This sentence should not be changed.

c. Change intentional to intentionally


The resource that you use to help with spelling words correctly (editing).

What is: a dictionary


The length of time of the STAAR test.

What is: 4 hours


The steps to writing a thesis statement (controlling idea).

What is: 1.Make the prompt a question 2.Answer with 2 reasons 3. Combine the question and answers to make a statement (The "Superman" format")


How you should start each topic sentence.

What is: a transition word.


What change, if any, should be made to this sentence: "It's main functions are to control your balance and to enable your muscles to work together".  a. Change It's to Its b. Change are to is c. Change balance to balence d. No change needs to be made in this sentence.

a. Change It's to Its


The word because does not appropriately connect the two clauses in the following sentence: The young boy led his schoolmates in songs because rescuers worked to free them from the wreckage. Which word should replace because? a. if b. while c. although d. where

b. while


Ways you can take brain breaks at your desk during the test.

What is: Roll around your neck. Close your eyes for one minute. Roll your shoulders around. Put your head down for one minute. (**Cannot stand up!)


The 3 parts of an essay.

What is: 1. Hook & thesis 2. Body paragraphs for reasons one and two 3. Conclusion


Transition words you might use.

What is: First, second, third, finally, another, therefore, however, etc.


What change, if any, should be made to this sentence: "Your brain helps you breath, keeps your heart beating, and directs your stomach to digest food".     a. Change breath to breathe b. Change beating to beeting c. Change directs to directing d. This sentence should not be changed.

a. Change breath to breathe


Which sentence in this paragraph should be deleted? How could a child be so brave? Why had a little boy risked his own life to save his fellow students? Where was the courageous boy's mother? When reporters questioned the young boy, he answered, "I was the hall monitor. It was my job to look after my classmates."

Where was the courageous boy's mother?


What you can do after completing the STAAR test.

What is: Read a book, put your head down, no talking.


The controlling idea.

What is: Thesis statement...what is paper is all about...the roadmap for your essay.


Examples of references in an expository essay.

What is: personal experience, book reference, world reference, movie reference


The correct way to write these two sentences: "The brain stem connects your brain to your spinal cord. Which connects to most of the nerves in your body. a. The brain stem connects your brain to your spinal cord, this connects to most of the nerves in your body. b. Connecting your brain to your spinal cord and then to most of the nerves in your body. c. Connecting your brain to your spinal cord. It connects to most of the nerves in your body. d. The brain stem connects your brain to your spinal cord, which connects to most of the nerves in your body.

d. The brain stem connects your brain to your spinal cord, which connects to most of the nerves in your body.


Which sentence could be added to the end of this paragraph to strengthen the introduction to this paper? "During the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics, most people weren't watching the athletes. Instead, they were watching the small boy who was walking next to the famous Chinese basketball player. The boy's entrance brought enthusiastic cheers. That's because nine-year-old Lin Hao was more than just a kid. a. He was a great kid. b. He was in school. c. He was a national hero. d. He was exceptionally cute.

c. He was a national hero.


What you should do the night before your test(s).

What is: Charge your chromebook pack a water bottle, relax, and get a good night's sleep.


Two Prewriting jobs.

What is: Word bank, brainstorm, graphic organizer, creating a thesis statement


How to conclude an expository essay.

What is: Restate the thesis and the "so what" sentence.


What change, if any, needs to be made to this sentence? "With all its intricacies, the human brain is a sensative and delicate organ". a. Change intricacies to intracacies b. Change sensative to sensitive c. Change delicate to delacate d. No changes are needed.

b. Change sensative to sensitive


(1) Just a few months earlier, Hao had been at school on a typical day. (2) Without warning, the ground beneath him began to tremble. (3) Hao's school was at the very heart of an earthquake. (4) Windows shattered, and shelves toppled over. (5) Finally, the whole building collapsed. (6) Hao somehow managed to climb out of the rubble and save himself. (7) He risked his life to pull two of his classmates to safety. The author would like to add the following sentence to this paragraph. "Then, despite his own injuries, Hao went back into the ruins". Where is the BEST place to insert this sentence? a. After sentence 1 b. After sentence 2 c. After sentence 4 d. After sentence 6

d. After sentence 6


What you should do on the morning of your test(s).

What is: Eat a healthly breakfast, be on time to school, bring your water bottle and highlighter, bring your chromebook (charged) and be ready to show your awesome-ness!