Sentence Combining
Subject-Verb Agreement
Writing Process
Good to Know
In order to combine these two sentences into a compound sentence, what must be added. Regular skating dulls blades. They can be dulled even more quickly by crashing against another skater's blades.
What is a comma and a coordinating conjunction after the word "blades" (first one)
Where to the two commas belong in this sentence? The war officially began on April 12 1861 when Confederate troops fired upon Fort Sumter South Carolina.
What is "after the number 12" and "after Sumter"?
What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "The shell, which has two parts, the carapace or upper part and the plastron or bottom part, serve both as the turtle's home and its armor." a) Change "has" to "have" b) Change "serve" to "serves" c) Change "serve" to "served" d) No change should be made.
What is "Change serve to serves"?
A sentence with a subject, opinion, and reasons is called.
What is a thesis statement?
What word would go into this sentence? (good or well) I am not feeling __________ today.
What is well?
What is the best way to combine these two sentences? A skate appears to have one sharp blade. Each skate actually has two blades along a hollow center. a. A skate appears to have one sharp blade, each skate actually has two blades along a hollow center. b. A skate appears to have one sharp blade and each skate actually has two blades along a hollow center. c. Although a skate appears to have one sharp blade, each skate actually has two blades along a hollow center. d. Make no change
What is C?
Where do the commas belong in this sentence? Chinese English and Hindi are the three most widely used languages in the world.
What is "after Chinese" and "after English"?
What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "If something threatens it, the turtle pulls its head and legs into its shell and wait until the threat has passed." a) Change "threatens" to "threaten" b) Change "pulls" to "pull" c) Change "wait" to "waits" d) No change needs to be made
What is "Change wait to waits"?
What do you turn the prompt into?
What is a question?
What is this sentence missing? A maple trees sap looks clear and is slightly sweet.
What is an apostrophe between the e and s in the word trees?
What is the best way to combine these two sentences? The first cartoons were hand drawn frame by frame. As a result, each cartoon took a long time to create. a. The first cartoons were hand drawn frame by frame; as a result, each cartoon took a long time to create. b. The first cartoons were hand drawn frame by frame, as a result, each cartoon took a long time to create. c. The first cartoons were hand drawn frame by frame and as a result each cartoon took a long time to create. d. No change is needed
What is A?
Where does the comma belong in this sentence? As the day drew to a smoky end the firefighters put out the last of the embers.
What is "after end"?
What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "The body temperature of leatherback turtles are usually higher than the temperature of the water they swim in because they have a high rate of metabolism." a) Change "are" to "is" b) Change "swim" to "swims" c) Change "have" to "has" d) No change needs to be made
What is "Change are to is."?
What does AQA stand for?
What is Answer the Question Asked?
What change should be made to the following sentence? The book locked in time was very intense.
What is capitalize Locked and Time?
What is the best way to combine these two sentences? The Atlantis is equipped for research. The Atlantis carries a submersible called Alvin. a. The Atlantis is equipped for reserach because it carries a submersible called Alvin. b. Because The Atlantis is equipped for research, The Atlantis carries a submersible called Alvin. c. The atlantis is equipped for research, carries a submersible called Alvin d. Because The Atlantis is equipped for research, it carries a submersible called Alvin.
What is D?
Where do the commas belong in this sentence? Lee DeForest the "father of radio" used some of Armstrong's and some of Fessenden's ideas.
What is "after DeForest" AND "after radio"
What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Turtles do not have teeth, but they has a sharp, jagged beak that they use for cutting and tearing their food." a) Change "do" to "does" b) Change "has" to "have" c) Change "use" to "uses" d) No change needs to be made
What is "Change has to have"?
How do you support the two reasons in your thesis statement?
What is specific examples?
What correction needs to be made to the following sentence? Dr. Chris Murphy, a veterinary eye doctor, decided that they could perform surgery on the bird.
What is change the antecedent 'they' to 'he'?
What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "When people become famous, some of them gives up old friends and court only those richer and more famous than they are." a) Change "gives" to "give" b) Change "richer" to "richest" c) Change "more famous" to "famouser" d) No change needs to be made
What is "Change gives to give"?
Where do the commas belong in the dialogue? "When we cannot successfully put out a fire" the firefighter said "we try to keep it from spreading."
What is "after fire" AND "after said"
What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence: "Snapping turtles, the largest of the freshwater turtles in the United States, are aggressive hunters that feed on smaller aquatic animals and plants." a) Change "are" to "is" b) Change "are" to "am" c) Change "feed" to "feeds" d) No change needs to be made
What is "No change needs to be made"?
Your conclusion should always end with this type of statment.
What is a truism?
What 5 changes needs to be made to this sentence? A congressperson from new york, senator hillary clinton, is married to a former president.
What is capitalize New, York, Senator, Hillary, and Clinton?