House Facts
Is it Probable?
Making Predictions
Is it Valid?

This House representative was a famous American jazz composer.

Who is Duke Ellington?


Write the probability of flipping a fair coin and getting tails in three forms.

1/2, 0.5, 50%


What is the formula for finding the Interquartile range?

Upper Quartile - Lower Quartile


Daniel made 6 out of 15 free throw shots. About how many out of the next 10 free throw shots would you expect him to make?



This is a selection that is chosen randomly (purely by chance, with no predictability).

Every member of the population being studied should have an equal chance of being selected. 

What is random sample?


This House representative was one of the founders of the NAACP in 1909.

Who is W.E.B. DuBois?


Which number represents the probability of an event that is very likely to occur?

A  0.12

B  1.3

C  0.89

D  0.09

C  0.89


This is  a graphic way to display the median, quartiles, and extremes of a data set on a number line to show the distribution of the data. 

What's a box-and-whisker plot?


Pedro recorded the types of birds that visit his bird feeder. Based on the results below, what is the probability the next bird will be a chickadee? 

Woodpecker = 3     Chickadee = 5      Cardinal = 1 Sparrow = 13     Blue Jay = 3 

1/5, or 0.20, or 20%


Kenneth polled the 2 most successful farmers in town.

Is this sample of the farmers in town likely to be representative?  Why or why not?

No (Explanations will vary)


This House representative has a  statue outside of PNC Park in Pittsburg.

Who is Roberto Clemente?


On a day with 95 degrees Fahrenheit temperature, what is the probability that it will start to snow?

A  0

B  0.50

C  1.00

A   0


Find the median from the list below.

56, 50, 47, 55, 50, 51, 55, 45, 55, 49, 45, 44



The local weather forecaster says she can predict whether it will rain with 80% accuracy which is equivalent to a 0.8 chance of being correct. If she forecasts rain 160 times, how many of these times would you expect she is wrong?

32 times


Jeanette surveyed the 77 top-ranking students in the high school.

Is this a random sample of the students in the school? Why or why not?

No (Answers will vary)


This House representative was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Clinton in June 20, 1993.

Who is Arthur Ashe?


Leonard wrote out the probabilities of getting a certain colored marble from a mixed bag. Here they are:

P(blue marble) = 1/2

P(red marble) = 2/3

P(green marble) = 4/5

P(yellow marble) = 3/8

Which of these events are least likely to occur?

Getting a yellow marble.


What is the mean and range of the following data set? 

{105; 223; 458; 1,016; 557)

Mean: 471.5

Range: 911


Marcus took a survey of teams that Eagle Scholars would like to join next year. 23 scholars want to join the basketball team. 14 scholars preferred the football team. 10 were interested in the lacrosse team. 5 wanted to be a part of the track team.

Based on the data from the problem, out of a total student population of 264 students, what is the best approximation for the total number of students who are interested in joining the football team?

Around 71 students.


Ms. Allen wants to order books for all the 7th grade classes. She wants to determine the favorite type of books among the 7th grade students. Which sample would be appropriate for this survey?

A.  7 students from each class

B.  every 5th person in the seventh grade.

C.   1 out of 7 students in the whole middle school

D.   All students from one class



This House representative was an accomplished saxophonist who wanted to record a song in space.

Who is Ronald McNair?


How likely is it that a number cube lands on 2 and a coin lands on heads?

Very Unlikely (1/12 or 8%)


 At a pet store, a survey was taken asking how many cats each person had. 

The results were: 2, 5, 3, 1, 0, 4, 2, 7, 0, 2 ,7, 3. 

Find the following:

 a) Mean 

b) Median 

c) Mode

Mean = 2

Median = 2.5

Mode = 2


At a store, customers are randomly selected in a survey. On Friday, there were 500 customers at the store. Of those, 90 were selected to participate in the survey. On Saturday, the store manager expects 700 customers in the store. If the probability of being selected to participate in the survey on Saturday is the same as it was on Friday, how many customers will be selected to participate in the survey on Saturday?



Nestle surveyed every 5th Eagle student entering building with the question: "Do you prefer chocolate or butterscotch?" Everyone surveyed had to pick one of the two answers, and 42% said they preferred chocolate.

Based on this we can conclude...

A. 42% of all of Eagle prefer chocolate.

B. 42% of middle schoolers in Eagle prefer chocolate.

C. 42% of high schoolers in Eagle prefer chocolate.