It is very important that you understand the meaning of every single word within a text.
This is the total number of students enrolled in 7th and 8th grade at HVA. (closest answer wins)
This is Mr. B's favorite sport's team.
What is the New England Patriots?
True or False: If you find a text confusing, you should skip to the next text and come back to answer the questions at the end of the test.
In "A Long Walk to Water," Salva becomes a refugee in this country at the end of the story.
These are the names of the three 6th grade ELA teachers at HVAL.
Who are Ms. Sarah, Mr. Housh, Ms. A?
This is the overall percentage of questions a student must get correct to achieve "mastery" on the ELA State Test.
These two superstar NBA players used to play on the same team together, but are now rivals for two Eastern Conference contenders.
Who are Lebron James and Kyrie Irving?
This teacher has taught at HVA longer than anyone else.
These are synonyms for the word "affect"
These are things you should do before taking an important test. (list at least two)
This person was vice president during the Obama administration.
Who is Joe Biden?
This is printed on the shirt that Ms. Harrison wears to school most Fridays (and she says it from time to time).
You should use these strategies to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
What is using context clues/looking for familiar words within the word/using prior knowledge?
These are standardized tests you might take in the future to get into college, graduate school, etc. (list at least two)
This is the name of the phenomenon that contributes to global warming which involves gas getting trapped in the atmosphere.
What is the Greenhouse Effect?