Number Sense
Stat and Probability

Convert 3/11 to a decimal.



Which expression is equivalent to 

(7x-5) - (3x-2)

a.10x - 7

b.10x -3

c.4x -7 

d. 4x - 3

d. 4x -3


Ms. Graves gave her class 12 minutes to read. Carrie read 5.5 pages in that time. At what rate, in pages per hour, did Carrie read?

27.5 pages per hour


A circle has a diameter of 26 units. What is the area of the circle to the nearest hundredth of a square unit? 

(Use the pi symbol)



Sara is playing a board game. The probability that Sara will score a point on her next turn is 1/3. Which statement describes the probability that Sara will score a point on her next turn?

a. Likely 

b. Unlikely

c. Certain




The initial balance of a savings account was $275. After which transactions will the balance of the savings account be the same as the initial balance?

a. withdrawal of $232 followed by a deposit of $132

b.a deposit of $278 followed by a withdrawal of $278

b.a deposit of $278 followed by a withdrawal of $278


Which expression makes the equation true for all values of x?

16x-16 = 4( ? )


b.4x -16

c.2x -2

d. 12x -12



Charis invested $140. She earned a simple interest of 3% per year on the initial investment. If no money was added or removed from the investment, what was the amount of interest Charis received at the end of two years?



Kiyo used wire fencing to form a border around a circular region in his backyard. If the radius of the circular region was 5 yards, what was the total length of the border, rounded to the nearest tenth of a yard?



Which event is most likely to occur?

A.flipping a fair coin, with sides labeled heads and tails, and the coin landing on tails

B. choosing a marble out of a bag, with nine blue marbles and one red marble, and the marble is red

C. rolling a fair number cube, with faces labeled one to six, and the cube landing on a number less than six

D. spinning the arrow on a spinner, with four equal sectors labeled one to four, and the arrow landing on a number greater than one

C. rolling a fair number cube, with faces labeled one to six, and the cube landing on a number less than six


A number, n, is multiplied by 5/8. The product is 0.4. What is the value of n?

a. -16/25

b. 1/4

c. -1/4

d. 16/25

d. 16/25


Salid bought 35 feet of window trim at a hardware store. The trim cost $1.75 per foot, including sales tax. If Salid paid with a $100.00 bill, how much change should he have received?



In the morning, a farmworker packed 3 pints of strawberries every 4 minutes. In the afternoon, she packed 2 pints of strawberries every 3 minutes. What was the difference between her morning and afternoon packing rates, in pints per hour?

Difference of 5 pints per hour


In a scale drawing of an apartment, 1 centimeter represents 2 3/4 feet. If the length of the kitchen is 4 1/2 cm on the scale drawing, what is the actual length, in feet, of the kitchen?

12 3/8 or 12.375 ft


A store owner made a list of the number of greeting cards sold last month. The store sold 167 thank-you cards, 285 birthday cards, and 56 blank cards. Based on these data, what is the probability that the next customer will buy a blank card?

56/508 or approx 11%


What expression is equivalent to 4-(-7)?

7+ 4


Doug earns $10.50 per hour working at a

restaurant. On Friday he spent 1 3/4 hours cleaning, 2 1/3 hours doing paperwork, and 1 5/12 hours serving customers. What were Doug's earnings?



A convenience store sells two brands of orange juice. Brand A contains 8 fluid ounces and costs $1.28. Brand B contains 12 fluid ounces and costs $1.68.What is the difference in cost, in dollars, per fluid ounce between the two brands of juice?

0.02 difference per fluid ounce 


The circumference of a circle is 11pi  inches. What is the area?

approx 94.98 in2


A seventh-grade English Language Arts teacher wants to order books for all the seventh-grade classes. He wants to determine the favorite type of book among the seventh grade students. Which sample would be the most appropriate for this survey?

A. 7 girls in each of his classes

B. every fifth student in the seventh grade

C. 1 out of 7 students in his middle school

D. all of the boys in one of his seventh grade classes

B. every fifth student in the seventh grade


Scientists determined that Antarctica's average winter temperature was 34.44C. The difference between this temperature and Antarctica's highest recorded temperature was 49.44 degrees. What was Antarctica's highest recorded temperature?

15 degrees celcieus 


Solve for x.

0.5x + 78.2 = 287

x = 417.6


A recycling plant processes an average of 1/3 ton of glass each minute. At approximately what rate does the recycling plant process glass, in tons per day? 

(1 day = 24 hours)

480 tons per day


There are 12 marbles in a bag 

6 yellow

2 blue

3 orange 

1 red 

What is the theoretical probability of choosing a yellow marble and then a red without returning the first marble back to the bag?

6/132 or 1/22


Which number represents the probability of an event that is very likely to occur?

a) .12

b) 1.3

c) .89

d) .09 

c) .89