Language Arts
Social Studies
General Knowledge

List three text structures used in informational texts.  

What is description, sequence, chronological, problem & solution, cause & effect, or compare & contrast?


Solve -2(x + 3) = 8

What is x = -7


Morning dew is an example of which portion of the water cycle?

What is condensation?


Which Roman achievement carried water from the mountains to the cities?

What is aqueduct?


List the seven continents of the world.

What is Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America?


List and define two types of figurative language.

What is:
Simile - comparing two things using "like" or "as"
Metaphor - comparing two unlike things
Personification - giving inanimate objects human characteristics
Hyperbole - extreme exaggeration
Idiom - a figure of speech that has a literal and figurative meaning
Allusion - A reference to something (historical, cultural, or literary) outside the text


Find the angle in the picture below.

What is c = 65 degrees?


Which of Newton's Laws is described below?

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

What is Newton's 3rd Law?


The Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires were all considered great "Trading Empires" because they were involved in the:

What is trading of salt and gold?


Which search engine is younger (created in 1998) than most Millennials?

What is Google?


List and define the three types of rhetorical strategies.

What is:
Ethos - Appeal to Ethics/Credibility
Pathos - Appeal to Emotion
Logos - Appeal to Logic/Reason


Remy scored the following on his tests for the last quarter of school. 

87, 94, 77, 64, 80, 55 

What would Remy's average be for his test grades?
*Round to the nearest whole number. 

What is 76?


What type of energy do the bowling pins have when being knocked over?

What is kinetic energy?


What was the trade route between China and Eastern Europe that Marco Polo traveled on called?

What is the Silk Road?


What is the world-wide soccer tournament held every four years known as?

What is the World Cup?


What were the two tribes that fought with one another in "A Long Walk to Water?"

What is the Dinka and the Neur?


Solve: 4(k + 2) + 2   =   3k – 8 

What is -18?


List three parts of an animal/human cell. 


What is the name for the system of promises between lords and vassals that governed Europe in the Middle Ages?

What is feudalism?


Who are the original Disney Princesses?
*Hint - There are 8

Who are Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, and Mulan


Create a poem with the following requirements:
1) 1 Stanza
2) 4 Lines
3) ABAB Rhyme Scheme

Answers will vary.


Emily rides her bike 51 miles in 4 hours 15 minutes. What is her average speed in miles per hour?

What is 12 miles per hour?

List five systems of the human body.

What is the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, and reproductive systems.


What is the time period after the Bubonic Plague in Europe referred as because of the increased interest in the arts and literature?

What is the Renaissance?


As of 2021, who is the wealthiest person in the world? *Or if you can name the company that made this person the richest, I will accept that answer.

Who is Jeff Bezos - CEO of Amazon