Main Idea
Ethos, Logos, Pathos
Types of Evidence
Author's Purpose

What is the Main Idea?

The overarching theme or what a passage is mainly (primarily about)


9 out of 10 dentists recommend Colgate toothpaste

What is Logos?


For research you SHOULD NOT use

A. Textbooks B. Wikipedia C. A Youtube Teacher (e.g- Khan Academy) D. A credible academic website



Florida is a state in the southern United States. The capital is Tallahassee, and the state bird is the mockingbird. There are many beaches in Florida.



What POV uses "I, Me, We, and Us?"

First Person


Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America. It is on the Niagra River about halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.Niagara Falls is on the American and Canadian border.The American Falls is 167 feet high.On the Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.


Don't get stuck without unlimited data and text! Switch now to our unlimited plan and save big!

What is Pathos?


Over 75% of today's teens have a social media account

A. Fact B. Connection C. Statistic D. Speculation



Freddy went to Six Flags on Saturday and rode all kinds of roller coasters. There were spinning roller coasters, upside down, and crazy coasters! He had so much fun!



I was almost back at my classroom door when I heard voices raised in anger as if in some sort of argument. Label the point of view.

First Person


The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France. It has become a universal symbol of freedom.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The Statue of Liberty is very popular as visited by thousands of people every year.


Research compiled by analysts from NASA, as well as organizations from 5 other nations with space programs, suggests that moon colony is viable with international support.

What is Logos?


Starbucks was first opened in Seattle, Washington in 1971

A. Fact B. Connection  C. Description D. Statistic



If you want to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you need bread, jelly, and peanut butter. Put the peanut butter on one side and the jelly on the other. Last, put the two sides together to make your sandwich.



Leslie sat in front of Paul. She had two long, brown pigtails that reached all the way down to her waist. Paul saw those pigtails, and a terrible urge came over him. He wanted to pull a pigtail. He wanted to wrap his fist around it, feel the hair between his fingers, and just yank. He thought it would be fun to tie the pigtails together, or better yet, tie them to her chair. But most of all, he just wanted to pull one. Label the point of view.

Third Person (Limited)


Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots. The joey lives in the mother's pouch for 9 months. They only like grass that is green and close to the ground.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The diet of kangaroos. Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots.


A politician is advertising in your town to be the mayor. He says he was born in your neighborhood and knows what is best for you, your friends and family.

What is Ethos?

Dogs are the best pet to own since they are nice to everyone

A. Statistic B. Connection C. Description D. Speculation



I think dogs make the best pets! They are much nicer than lots of other animals, and they are very smart. You can train them to do all sorts of things. Dogs are definitely better than all other pets!



How does the point of view change? (1) "Do you think he will succeed?" Sally asked. --> (2) "Yes, I think he will succeed."

Third Person Limited --> First Person


Main Idea or Supporting Detail?: 

These mobs can be as large as 100 kangaroos.

Supporting Detail


Smoking will cause your teeth to turn yellow, don't smoke!

What is Pathos?

The first time I went to Disney world I was five years old

A. Description B. Fact C. Connection D. Statistic



What does PIE stand for?

Persuade, Inform, Entertain


The narrator can reveal what many characters are thinking, feeling, and doing.

Third Person Omniscient