CIA Triad
General Cybersecurity

Bob is trying to buy concert tickets to a concert that sells out in under 5 minutes. When ticket sales open, a million people attempt to purchase tickets and the system crashes. Unfortunately, Bob is now unable to buy concert tickets. Which part of the CIA Triad has been broken?



What is Ms. Johnson's Dog's Name?



Name a substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet.

Caesar Cipher!


Someone who hacks to help companies identify weaknesses in their systems is considered a...

White hat hacker


Which factor of fair use is used when you create a presentation on music and include a 30-second clip of a song?



Bob and Alice are in the same class at school. When the teacher passes back the tests, he announces what each student received on the exam. Which part of the CIA triad is being broken?



Which of the following is NOT a best practice for having a secure password?

a.  Creating a password that is long in length

b. Creating a password that has a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters

c. Using a password manager

d. Using your birthdate in your password

d. Using your birthdate in your password


In order to decrypt an encrypted message, you need the _______.



What is the security principle of least privilege?

The practice of limiting permissions to the minimal level that will allow users to perform their jobs.


What is the difference between freeware and shareware?

Freeware is free to use, shareware is free for a limited trial period.


Alice has a website that she sells computer parts on. However, Bob has gotten ahold of her website and is able to alter the prices of the parts prior to purchasing anything. When Bob manipulates this data, which part of the CIA triad is being broken?



Bob wants to create a secure password to make his school account more secure. Which of the following would be his BEST choice for a secure password?

a. A13x2010

b. abcd1111

c. Wonderwoman!

d. Eleph@ntCat_TigerBear5

d. Eleph@ntCat_TigerBear5


What is Cryptography?

The practice of encoding information so only authorized people can read it!


Which type of hacker hacks to help companies identify weaknesses in their systems?

White Hat Hacker!


What are the four factors of fair use?

Purpose, nature, amount, effect. 


In cybersecurity, what does CIA stand for?

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability!


Which of the following strategies is the BEST way to ensure you always have the most secure password?

a. creating an easy to remember password that is no more than 8 characters

b. using a password that has a combination of upper and lowercase letters

c. creating a password that uses a variety of numbers and special characters

d. using a password management application on your computer or phone

d. using a password management application on your computer or phone


What is the purpose of encryption?

To protect data from being stolen, changed, or compromised!


What is penetration testing and is it legal?

A security exercise where a cyber-security expert attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system. 

Yes, it is legal but only when permission is given. 


What is the difference between Public Domain and All Rights Reserved?

Public Domain: the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright.

All Rights Reserved: no one may use your work unless they obtain your permission. 


What is the purpose of the CIA Triad?

To gauge how strong an organization's cybersecurity profile is.


Granting or denying privileges based on additional security checks such as the location of the user, status of their device, network address, the time of day, and the role of the user is...

Context-aware privilege control!


Which cipher system uses a repeating word or phrase as part of the encryption scheme?

The Vigenere cipher!


What is a Black Hat Hacker?

Criminals who break into computer networks with malicious intent. They may also release malware that destroys files, holds computers hostage, or steals passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information.


What does a device need to be connected to the internet of things? 

Internet connection capabilities!