Misplaced Modifiers
Verb Tense/Agreement
Adverbs and Adjectives
The misplaced modifier in the following sentence: Last night, I spotted a skunk wearing my binoculars.
What is "wearing my binoculars"?
The word that does not agree in this sentence: Firmly grasps it in your hand. or NO VERB TENSE ERROR
What is "grasp"?
The adjective in the following sentence: The spectacular play made the audience clap enthusiastically.
What is "spectacular"?
The word the comma should follow in this sentence: While I was running I saw a bear.
What is "running"? While I was running, I saw a bear.
The correct use of "you're" and "your" in this sentence: ________ going to be late; ________ wrong turn cost you valuable time.
What are "you're" and "your"?
The misplaced modifier in this sentence: The music shop has many books about jazz legends in the basement.
What is "in the basement"?
The verb in the wrong tense in these sentences No, this is Patrick! I was not a crusty crab. or NO VERB TENSE ERROR
What is "will die"?
The adverb in the following sentence: When we remembered our extensive training, we started to play better.
What is "better"?
The words the commas should follow in these sentences: She always wanted to be a jet pilot but her vision wasn't good enough. Instead she became an aeronautical engineer.
What are "pilot" and "instead"? She always wanted to be a jet pilot, but her vision wasn't good enough. Instead, she became an aeronautical engineer.
The correct use of "their", "there", or "they're" in the sentence: _________ only hope was the light-saber in the snow over ________.
What are "their" and "there"?
The misplaced modifier in this sentence: The dog bit the mailman with a fluffy tail.
What is "with a fluffy tail"?
The verb in the wrong tense in this sentence: Hello, we’re with the pet hospital down the street, and I understand you have a dying animal on the premises. or NO VERB TENSE ERROR
The 2 adverbs in the following sentence: Jake courageously raised his hand when his nervous classmates watched silently. DAILY DOUBLE aka AND ONE
What are "courageously" and "silently"?
The words that go before the commas in this sentence According to the news fidget spinners are most recent craze and we should get some. DAILY DOUBLE aka AND ONE
What are "news," and "craze,"? According to the news, fidget spinners are the most recent craze, and we should get some.
The incorrect homophones in the following sentences: The horse's main was beautiful as it flowed in the breeze. I could watch it for ours.
What are "main" and "ours"?
The misplaced modifier in this sentence: Tom came across a turtle on his way home from a wild party. DAILY DOUBLE aka AND ONE
What is "on his way home"?
The verb in the wrong tense in this sentence: I’ll have you know that I stubbed by toe last week and only cry for 20 minutes.
What is "cried"?
The correct choices in the sentence in the order they appear: Run (quick, quickly), or you'll miss the bus The frightened dog barked (frantic, frantically). DAILY DOUBLE aka AND ONE
What are "quickly" and "frantically"?
The words that go before the commas in this sentence: If Paul Revere were alive today he would love memes but hate classroom disruptions.
What are "today," and "memes,"? If Paul Revere were alive today, he would love memes, but hate classroom disruptions.
The correct uses of "their", "there", and "they're" in the passage. ______ robots were well-made, and _______ was a good chance they would win. ______ the first engineering club from Randolph High School.
What are "their", "there", and "they're"?
The dangling modifier in this sentence: Running to catch the train, the suitcases got in my way in the busy station.
What is "running to catch the train"?
The verb in the wrong tense in this sentence: Once there was an ugly barnacle, and he was so ugly, everyone will die. or NO SPELLING ERROR
What is "will die"?
The correct choices in order they appear in this sentence: The quarterback's throw was (accurate, accurately). His coach said he aimed (perfect, perfectly).
What is "accurate" and "accurately"?
The words that go before the commas in this sentence: Zoboomafu the Lemur the obvious crowd favorite was charismatic charming and witty. DAILY DOUBLE aka AND ONE
What are "Lemur," "favorite," "charismatic," and "charming,"? Zoboomafu the Lemur, the obvious crowd favorite, was charismatic, charming, and witty.
The incorrect homophones in the following sentences: The air to the throne turned out to be a humble made working in the poorer part of the kingdom. A night in shining armor went to meat her and give her a gorgeous flour. She excepted and traveled back to the palace. DAILY DOUBLE aka AND ONE
What are "heir", "maid", "knight", "meet", "flour", and "accepted"?