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Who is Ms.Dombrowski?
This school used to be the middle school.
What is CMS?
This mythological creature is part of the lore and culture.
What is a leprechaun?
This teacher grew up playing soccer and dancing ballet.
Who is Ms.Dombrowski?
The symbol for pi.
What is
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Who is Ms.Ebel?
There is roughly this many students in our school.
What is 1,100?
Ireland is located on this continent.
What is Europe?
This teacher moved to New Jersey in 1986.
Who is Madame Jacob?
The first 6 numbers in Pi.
What is 3.14159?
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Who is Mrs.Soliman?
These administrators used to be teachers in this school.
Who are Mr.Reagan and Mr.Cutro?
This is dyed green in Chicago every year.
What is the river?
This teacher has two turtles. One of which roams the house to bask in the sun and cuddle in blankets.
Who is Ms.Parm?
The angle degrees of a circle.
What is 360 degrees?
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Who is Mrs.Merklin?
This building was built in this year.
When is 2000?
This is the difference between a shamrock and a four leaf clover.
What is a fourth leaf?
This teacher worked at McDonalds from 8th grade through college.
Who is Mrs.Soliman?
The most popular flavor of pie in America.
What is apple?
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Who is Ms.Parm?
Ms.Dombrowski played this sport for the middle school in 8th grade.
What is field hockey?
This was the original color associated with this holiday.
What is blue?
This teacher grew up with a love for extreme sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding, and mountain biking.
Who is Mrs.Merklin?
This used to be the main meal time for pie.
What is breakfast?