The Natives Are Restless
The Natives Are Restless Pt II
African Kingdoms
Middle-Aged Rebirth
Let's Go Exploring

What Native American tribe built temples in southern Mexico and Guatemala?

Who are the Mayas


What two Native American tribes lived on the islands and along the coastline of Alaska?

Who are the Aleuts & Inuits


What religion was brought to Ghana because of trade?

What is Islam


What system in which kings allowed nobles to use their land in return for military service and protection was used in Europe in the Middle Ages?

What is Feudalism


What ship with both square and triangular sails that made it easier to sail both with and against winds was developed at this time?

What is the Caravel


What Native American tribe lived in the areas of Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico?

Who are the Anasazi


What Native American tribe built a network of trade routes from Central Mexico to present-day Nicaragua?

Who are the Olmecs


What two items were primarily traded in Ghana?

What is Salt & gold


Into what two groups did the Reformation split the church?

Who are the Protestants & Catholics


What explorer was the first to sail around the southern tip of Africa, along the eastern coast of Africa, and then across the Indian Ocean to India?

Who is Vasco De Gama


What Native American tribe used irrigation much like their Hohokam and Anasazi ancestors?

Who are the Pueblo


What Native American tribe built their capital of Tenochtitlan on the islands in Lake Texcoco?

Who are the Aztecs


What two African tribes developed city-states in Nigeria?

Who are the Hausa & Yoruba


Why was the invention of Johannes Gutenberg's printing press so important?

Increased book printing & spread of renaissance ideas


What king and queen financed Christopher Columbus' voyage?

Who is King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella


What two Native American tribes became farmers in the Southeast because of mild winters and warm summers with plentiful rainfall?

Who are the Choctaw & Chickasaw


There are five characteristics that make a civilization. Name any two. 

Cities are centers of trade, specialized jobs for different people, organized forms of government and religion, system of record keeping, advanced tools


What African tribe took over Ghana's territory and their trade?

Who are the Mali


What was the main purpose of the Crusades?

To capture the Holy Land from the Muslims


On what island did Columbus find gold?

Who are the Hispaniola


What Native American group was made up of an alliance of Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca tribes?

Who are the Iroquois


What Native American tribe dug hundreds of miles of canals to irrigate their crops in present-day Arizona?

Who are the Hohokams


What leader spread Islam throughout the empire of Mali?

Who is Mansa Musa


What country gained a monopoly on trade during the Renaissance?

What is Italy


What were the three ships that Columbus used?

What are the Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria