Rome's Decline
The Byzantine Empire
Early Christianity
The Early Church

What was the Peace Period called, how long did it last, and how many residents were present in Rome during it?

Pax Romana, 2 centuries, as many as 2 million residents


What was the capital of the Byzantine empire and what is it's present day location?

Constantinople, present-day Turkey

Also correct: Byzantium (former Greek name of city) 


Name of the group of Jews who believed they had to fight Romans



Which emperor carried out the last great persecution of Christians?

Hint: He started his term in office in 284 C.E. 



Give 3 examples of Roman legacy in our governments today.

Judges decide cases fairly, Innocent until proven guilty, Everyone is equal under the law

Also correct: Citizens elected their leaders


What made the Byzantine Empire's capital easy to defend?

3 sides surrounded by water, 1 side protected by large wall

Name of ancient Jewish fortress



Which Roman emperor saw a dream that inspired his support of Christianity?



Who was the Germanic tribe leader who invaded Rome and what Germanic tribe did he belong to?

Alaric, Visigoths


Which person guided a group of legal scholars to create a new and simpler code of laws under Justinian's command?

What was the name of the code of laws?


The code of laws is called the Justinian Code


In which two cities did the Romans rule "with an iron fist"? 

Judaea and Galilee


Which emperor made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire in 392 C.E.?



List 5 Roman emperors and a fact about them.

Caesar Augustus (Octavian) = First Emperor

Marcus Aurelius = Last Emperor

Diocletian = Introduced Reforms

Constantine = Changed capital of Roman Empire

Theodosius = Divided the Roman Empire


What was Justinian's wife's name, what law did she help change, and what was the benefit of the change?

Theodora, helped change the law so women could own land, allowed for widows to gain income from the land if their husbands passed away


3 ways Jews dealt with Roman rule

1. Cooperated to avoid conflict

2. Limited their contact and continued their traditions

3. Ignored them and started communities far away


What was the meaning of the Latin words that the Emperor saw in his dream on the night before the battle?

In this sign you will conquer

What event marks the end of the Western Roman Empire, according to historians?

After Odoacer, a Germanic leader, overthrew the 14 year old emperor Romulus Augustulus


What was the crisis of 532? What happened, what was Justinian's initial plan, and what did Theodora suggest?

Angry taxpayers threatened the city, 

Justinian planned to flee based on his advisors' suggestions, 

Theodora told him to stay and fight

Also: Ended up crushing the rebels and helped him maintain power


Explain the event of 73 C.E. which symbolizes Jewish heroism

Romans broke through the walls of ancient jewish fortress but only found 2 women and 5 children. The others had taken their own lives rather than surrender to the Romans.


Which decree allowed for all religious groups in the Roman empire to practice their religions freely? Which emperor issued this decree?

Constantine issued the decree, called Edict of Milan, in 313 C.E.