What was Rockefeller's company called?
Standard Oil Company
What initiated the Wounded Knee Massacre?
Ghost Dance
What movement did the Black Women's Rights Movement start?
The Civil Rights Movement and Modern Black Feminism
Who was the most prolific outlaw group of the 1890s?
The Wild Bunch
What was the book written by Muckraker author exposing the conditions of meat processing plants?
(+100 points for author's name)
"The Jungle"
by Upton Sinclair
Define Horizontal and Vertical Integration.
Horizontal: Buying out competitors
Vertical: Creation/distribution of own supplies
What were the Native Americans suffering from while living in the Reservations? (name 3)
Poverty, hunger, overpopulation
What is lynching?
For a mob to publicly kill an individual without any due legal process.
What federal agency went on to replace the Pinkertons?
Who created the Hull House?
Jane Addams
Identify the industries of the 3 robber barons in the presentation.
Rockefeller: Oil
Carnegie: Steel
Morgan: Banking/Railroad/Steel
Which Major tried to negotiate with Sitting Bull?
Major James McLaughlin
Name 2 leaders of the NACW
Mary Church Terrell, Ida B. Wells, Frances Harper
What made the US trust the Pinkerton Detective Agency?
They foiled an assassination attempt on Lincoln
What ship started the Spanish-American War?
USS Maine
What was the main idea of "The Gospel of Wealth"?
The wealthy should be responsible for improving the quality of life for society
Sitting Bull was a Lakota Leader but also a ______ .
Spiritual Leader
What does NACW stand for?
National Association of Colored Women
What was the primary purpose the Pinkertons were contracted?
To investigate and prosecute Unions
Which president ran 4 times, including once from jail?
Eugene Debs
What were 2 lasting impacts of robber barons?
Government intervention: Sherman Antitrust Act
Worker Unions
Political Influence: Ensured election of business-friendly presidents
How many Miniconjou died in the Wounded Knee Massacre?
250 to 300
Name 3 main goals of the Black Women’s Rights Movement
Voting rights, education, economic opportunities, protection from discrimination
Why was the end of the 19th century considered the “End of the Old West”?
Most criminals were captured, and lands were settled
What was the name of Roy Rodger's horse?