Weather and Atmosphere
Force and Motion
Cells and Protists

Warm air rises into the atmosphere at the equator and sinks back to the Earth at the poles.  

What are convection currents?


A cannon shoots a cannonball high into the air, this is where the cannonball has ZERO potential energy.

What is when it hits the ground?


This is a type of cell division that produces a 2 identical daughter cells.

What is mitosis?


After crossing two heterozygous plants (Rr) the offsprings probability of being pink is.....

What is 50%?


Stairs are an example of an inclined plane.  Inclined planes create mechanical advantage because 

(HINT: what happens to the work and distance)

What is reduce the amount of work by spreading the work over a greater distance?


Weather occurs in this layer of the atmosphere.

What is the troposphere?


The mechanical energy before and after kicking a soccer ball.  

What is the ball has no mechanical energy before the ball is kicked, but has mechanical energy after the ball is kicked?


Bill notices that all of his cheek cells are the same but see that his friends are different. The explanation for this is....

What is each person has their own genetic information?

If the offspring have genotypes; BB,Bb,Bb,bb, then the genotypes of the parents will be....

What is Bb and Bb?

A graph looks like this when an object or person is returning back to the starting position.  

What is diagonal line going back to the starting point?


This is where most hurricanes form.  

What is over warm tropical water?


A diver jumps up from a diving board and then dives down into a pool. The greatest gravitational potential energy is....

What is at the maximum height?


This is the most complex type of structure found in the human body.

What is a system?


In a pedigree if Jill is white for non-hitchhiker's thumb and Jack is black for hitchhiker's thumb, the most likely genotype for their children would be ....

What is Hh?


This protist uses an eyespot to detect light and a flagellum to move towards the light.  

What is the euglena?
Process that occurs just before water vapor returns to the Earth as rain.

What is condensation?


A boy pushes a box of toys into the yard.  A dog jumps out of the way when he sees the box.  The applied force is....

What is the boy pushing the box out of the house?

Organelle that provides energy to a cell.

What is the mitochondria?


Two parents are not affected by a genetic disorder, however all of their offspring are; this is because....

What is both parents are carriers of the allele?


If there is a force of 200 units to the left and a force of 150 units plus 50 units to the right the resulting force will be

What is a net force of 0?


These clouds most likely indicate a storm is approaching. 

What are dense cirrus clouds?  


A roller coaster has the MOST kinetic energy when....

What is at the bottom of the highest hill?


This is the part of a cell that helps maintain balance (homeostasis).

What is the cell membrane?

This is where the genetic information is stored in a cell.  

What is the nucleus?  


Our kidneys are responsible for....

What is filtering waste and byproducts?