Literature Terms
Literature Novels
Give a synonym for wrath
What is rage, anger
Define imagery
What is text that is used to paint a picture or help the reader visualize
Name 3 characters from The Call of the Wild
What is Buck, Spitz, John Thornton, Perrault....etc.
Name 3 proper nouns
What is anything that is a specific name or place (answers will vary)
Where did Mrs. Smorczewski grow up?
What is New York/Long Island
Define sodden and makeshift
What is sodden: saturated or drenched, makeshift: temporary or not sturdy, flimsy
When you compare and contrast, what do you do?
What is see what is similar and different.
How does Kit get to Wethersfield?
What is on a ship
Sentence or fragment? If it is a fragment, what is missing? Although some students are older.
What is fragment. There is no predicate.
How many students do we have in our class?
What is 26
What is something that has luster?
What is anything that gives off light: a ring, a watch, the legs of the desk....etc.
Why is The Witch of Blackbird Pond considered historical fiction?
What is because it is set in colonial times, and has instances of the colonial era and the Salem Witch Trials within the novel.
Name 2 dead characters from The Call of the Wild
What is Spitz, John Thornton, Daisy, the Yeehats...etc.
Name a personal pronoun, and an interrogative pronoun
What is person: he, she, him, her, it...etc. interrogative: who, what, which.
How many teachers are in this school (specials teachers included)?
What is 14: Mrs. Vesely, Mrs. Missak, Mrs. Kozar, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Cosentino, Ms. Yusko, Mrs. Knierim, Mrs. Krasno, Mrs. Haffner, Mrs. Tuch, Mrs. Smorczewski, Mr. Marcotte, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Majich
What is the difference between trivial and humdrum?
What is humdrum means boring or ordinary, while trivial means unimportant
Describe what a main idea is
What is the general statement about a piece of writing that can be supported by details from the text.
What genre is The Call of the Wild?
What is realistic fiction
Find the pronouns and tell which types of pronouns they are. She herself found a hiding place so that he would not find her.
What is she: personal, herself: intensive, he: personal, her: personal
Where did Mrs. S go to college? Hint 1: It's not in Illinois Hint 2: It's in the Big 10
What is Indiana University (GO HOOSIERS!)
Why is the presedential election an example of a regime change?
What is because there is a change in government power. There is a new president.
Name all 5 parts of a plot.
What is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
Name the authors of The Call of the Wild and The Witch of Blackbird Pond
What is John Steinbeck and Elisabeth George Speare
Name the verbs, and if they are mental/physical, action/linking, and transitive/intransitive: The students will not forget their homework on the table, and should bring it to class.
What is will forget: mental, action, transitive. should bring: physical, action, transitive
Name 5 of the Ten Commandments
What is I am the Lord, your God; Thou shalt bring no false idols before me; Do not take the Lord's name in vain; Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy; Honor thy father and mother; Thou shall not kill; Thou shall not commit adultery; Thou shall not steal; Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor; Thou shall not covert your neighbor's wife