This prophet challenged the false prophets of Baal.
Who is Elijah?
This is why both Israel and Judah were exiled by God.
What is they turned their backs on him?
This is how God restored the people of Judah.
What is he brought them back to Jerusalem from Babylon?
This was the southern kingdom ruled by Rehoboam.
What is Judah?
These people typically writes the short answer questions for tests.
This king was chosen by God to destroy Baal worship and get revenge for the slain people of God.
Who is Jehu?
This sin of Solomon is why God split the kingdom of Israel in two.
What is worshiping the gods of his 1,000 wives?
This was how Elisha restored things for the Shunammite woman.
What is bring her son back from death?
This was the northern kingdom ruled by Jeroboam.
What is Israel?
This is the sentence on Mr. Stoeberl's sentence packet.
What is I will follow classroom expectations 100% of the time?
This king tried to save his innocent friend from the lion's den.
Who is Darius?
Ahab and Jezebel did this in the service to their God Baal.
What is kill all the prophets and people of God except Elijah?
This is how King Josiah showed his sorrow for the sin of his people.
What is tearing his robe at hearing the word of God?
This was where the word of God had been lost for some time.
What is a wall in the temple?
These are the extra curricular activities Mr. Stoeberl leads at Atonement. (300 per each)
What are Board Game Club and Forensics?
This woman was gifted a son by God only for that child to die.
Who is the Shunammite woman?
This was how long the prophet Jeremiah said the exile of Judah would be.
What is 70 years?
This is how Daniel showed his faithfulness to God when hearing about the new law.
This kingdom/people destroyed Judah.
What is Babylon/Babylonians?
What is 36 oz?
This king promised to whip the people with scorpions.
Who is Rehoboam?
This is how Jehu half heartedly served God.
What is worship Jeroboam's golden calves?
This is how God showed that Ezra was fit to be a priest to lead Judah when they returned.
What is showing that he was a descendent of Aaron?
This kingdom/people destroyed Israel?
What is Assyria/Assyrians?
This is the number of questions on a reflection sheet.
What are 4?