Noun Types
Quotes & Titles
Pronoun Use

What should be included in a header and what font/size should it be?

Last name, pg #; times new roman size 12


What are the four noun types we reviewed, provide an example of each

Proper, Concrete, Abstract, and Collective; Answers will vary


What is the difference between a direct quote and an indirect quote? How do you punctuate them?

direct: using someone else's EXACT words; needs quotes

indirect: using someone's ideas but paraphrasing them; does not need quotes 


What did the first slide of the Pronoun Use slideshow discuss? What rule did it provide?

First person pronouns in a list, rule is: pronouns used to represent yourself always go at the end of a list


Who lost the Great Emu war of 1932?



What should be included in the heading (must be in the correct order) and what formatting should it have?

First Name Last Name        Times new roman

Assignment                       12 pt

Class                                double spaced

DUE date           


Provide 5 examples of a proper noun including: a place, a person, a title, an idea, and a class

Answers will vary but class MUST be a language name because other subjects are never capitalized


What is the difference in FUNCTION between quotation marks and in-text citations? When do you need to use them?

Quotes are for words, citations for ideas, but both direct and indirect quotes need citations


In what situation should a second or third person pronoun be listed first? Provide a properly punctuated example

When a sentence includes a list mixed with nouns and pronouns. 

Examples may vary but pronouns should be first


What did Plato say that made Diogenes throw a plucked chicken at him and say "Behold, Man!"

That man was a featherless biped


How should the title of the MLA paper differ from the rest of the essay?

It shouldn't


Provide 10 examples of a concrete noun

answers will vary


What is the rule for formatting titles?

Big pieces of media are italicized

Smaller pieces of media are in quotes


What is the rule for using he/she/they vs. him/her/them?

he/she/they= replacing SUBJECT

him/her/them= replacing OBJECT


Why was Theagenes' statue thrown into the Mediterranean?

Found guilty of murder 


Where should the period go in a sentence containing an in-text citation?

AFTER/OUTSIDE the citation/parentheses


Provide 10 examples of abstract nouns

Answers will vary


Properly punctuate this sentence: 

Jane went to go see Iron Man 2 with her friends and said that it was so much worse than the first one but I liked Black Widow

Jane went to go see Iron Man 2 with her friends and said that "it was so much worse than the first one, but I liked Black Widow."


What is the difference between the rules for first person pronuns vs second person pronouns in a list?

First person pronouns should always go last, second/third person pronouns should always go first in a list of mixed nouns/pronouns


Where did Edgar Cayce say the Vaults of Knowledge would be found and what would they prove?

Yucatan Peninsula and Egypt; they would prove the existence of Atlantis


Write a sentence about one of the storytimes we've done containing and in-text citation giving Miss Ekdahl credit for the information *punctuate properly*

Tahoe Tessie can be found in Lake Tahoe (Ekdahl).


Provide 10 examples of collective nouns

answers will vary *plural concrete nouns don't count*


What is an explanatory note? Provide an example of a sentence *properly punctuated* that includes a direct quote split by an explanatory note

Explanatory note: a phrase that gives more information/context for the quote

Answers will vary


What is the general rule about deciding which form of pronouns/possessives in a list one should use?

If your not sure, trust your gut and do what sounds best.


In a list, if the other words were removed, which form would be correct


How did most sightings describe Tahoe Tessie? length, color, type 

60 foot long serpent with either gray, black, or turquois skin