A prophetess at the Temple who recognized Jesus as the Messiah
Who was Anna and what role did she play at the Temple?
Holy Water, white garment, oil, lighted candle
What four sacramentals are used during Baptism?
Visible signs of God’s presence & action in our lives
What is a sacrament?
sacred objects, actions & prayers that help us pray & celebrate the sacraments
What are the sacramentals?
Immersing the person in water or pouring water over the person’s head
What is the essential act of Baptism?
An elderly Jew who recognized Jesus as the Messiah
Who is Simeon, and what did he do?
The dove was the symbol of God’s Spirit.
When Jesus was baptized, why did a dove come upon him?
Chrism is a sign of our call to carry out the responsibility of being a Catholic
What is the holy oil used in baptism called?
Putting on new life in Christ
Why is a white garment used in Baptism?
It’s the light of the Holy Spirit & the Godparents/sponsor lights it from the Easter candle.
Why is a lighted candle used at Baptism? Who lights it, and from where?
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
In Luke’s Gospel, what story follows the birth of Jesus?
God’s power to forgive sin.
When we renew our baptismal promises, what are we asked if we believe in about Baptism?
I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
What does the celebrant say during the Rite of Baptism during the essential action?
This Gospel writer tells what Jesus saw and heard
In Mark’s Gospel, how does he present Jesus’s baptism?
God’s divine life-sanctifying grace
Through Baptism, what do we share in?
This celebrates God’s love for us through the sacrifice of his Son Jesus.
Why do we participate and celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy?
Infants receive Confirmation immediately after Baptism.
How does receiving the Sacraments of Initiation differ from our Church in Eastern Catholic Churches?
Cared for World War I victims
What did Saint Josephine Bakhita do during her 25 years in the convent?
This lady was an example of faith & virtue.
Why do the Sudanese people consider St. Josephine Bakhita their patron saint?
Freedom from slavery of sin and death through Jesus Christ
What is Salvation?
Our dying and rising to view life in Christ & physical & spiritual cleansing
What is the Holy Water at Baptism a visible sign of?
Satan; all his works; his empty promises
What are three things we reject in our baptismal promises?
This saint was humble, forgiving, loving, kind, peaceful, and full of faith, which is an example of how baptism helps us share God's love with others through our words and actions that we read about in this chapter.
Who is Saint Josephine Bakhita?
This person immerses or pours blessed water over the head of the person who is being baptized. Name two of them.
Who is the bishop, priest, or deacon?
Must name two of the three.