Translate: Me duele la cabeza.
My head hurts.
What is Ecuador located?
South America
What is the capital of Ecuador?
How do you say foot in Spanish?
el pie
How do you say sick in Spanish?
Translate: Me duelen los pies.
My feet hurt.
Name one natural hazard common in Ecuador:
earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides
What type of government does Ecuador have?
Presidential Republic
How do you say leg in Spanish?
la pierna
How do you say tired in Spanish?
Translate: Me duele el hombro.
My shoulder hurts.
What is the official language of Ecuador?
Who is the current president of Ecuador?
Lenin Moreno
How do you say fingers in Spanish?
Los dedos
How do you say weak in Spanish?
Translate: Me duelen los dedos de pie.
My toes hurt.
What is the most commonly practiced religion in Ecuador?
Roman Catholic
What is Billy Strong trying to do in the Galapagos documentary "Isabela"?
Bring awareness about the trash there
How do you say elbow in Spanish?
el codo
How do you say strong in Spanish?
Translate: Me duelen las piernas.
My legs hurt.
Which two countries border Ecuador?
Colombia and Peru
Describe one of the statues made from trash in the "Isabela" documentary:
answers will vary
How do you say chest in Spanish?
el pecho
How do you say in shape in Spanish?
en forma