In 1793 Eli Whitney patented his version of this agricultural machine which made cotton a viable crop for vast areas of the South.
What is the cotton gin.
This compromise saw two new states enter the union to keep the balance between slave and free states; it also created an official line north of which slavery would be illegal in all new territories.
What is the Missouri Compromise.
Not all South Carolinians wanted to secede from the Union in 1860. This group favored remaining part of the Union.
Who are Unionists.
The primary Union strategy during the Civil War was this, or a process of keeping imports and exports from entering or leaving the Confederacy.
What is a blockade.
This group of South Carolinians were left to tend to the homes and farms of their husbands and fathers while they were off at war.
Who are women.
An intense loyalty to one's region or section of the country in place of loyalty to one's nation is known as this.
What is sectionalism.
John C. Calhoun resigned the vice-presidency in protest over the imposition of tariffs. He believed it was the state's right to ___________ federal laws.
What is nullify.
Other South Carolinians favored secession but only if other Southern states cooperated; they were known as this group.
Who were the cooperationists.
This fort, located in Charleston harbor, witnessed the first shots of the Civil War.
What is Ft. Sumter
These South Carolinians were often used as drummers or flag bearers.
Who are children.
Those that wanted to end slavery were known as these.
Bonus 100 Pts- Name the the sisters from Charleston who were well known ____________.
Who are abolitionists?
This man sued for his freedom as a result of living in "free" territory for a number of years. His case eventually went before the supreme court.
Who is Dred Scott.
Lincoln earned the nomination of this party and ran on their ticket in the election of 1860.
What is the Republican Party.
This African American slave from Beaufort, SC became a hero by stealing a Confederate ship and escaping to the Union blockade, thus earning his freedom.
Who is Robert Smalls.
This law kept many slave owners from having to fight in the Civil War.
What is the 20 slave law.
This free black Charlestonian was accused of plotting a rebellion in 1822.
Who is Denmark Vesey.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing the residents of these territories to decide for themselves the slave/free status of their states, known as this concept.
What is popular sovereignty.
The right of a state to break away from a country/union/confederation/etc. is known as this.
What is secession.
Using the strategy known as "total war," this Union general destroyed large swaths of land throughout the deep south.
Who is General William T. Sherman.
Bonus: This unique naval vehicle was used by the Confederates to attempt to break the Union blockade.
What is the Hunley
William Lloyd Garrison wrote this well known abolitionist newspaper.
What is The Liberator.
Which aspect of the Compromise of 1850 pleased southerners?
What is the Fugitive Slave Act.
The signing of this document officially separated South Carolina from the United States of America.
What is the Ordinance of Secession.
While it didn't free all slaves in America, this document did change the objective of the war in the North to one that would eliminate slavery in America eventually.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation.
This serpentine Union strategy included a blockade and isolating the Confederacy by attacking the Mississippi River.