8-6.2; 8-6.3
This movement began as a reaction against the problems seen in government and society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
What is the Progressive movement.
At the beginning of WWI, the United States tried to remain ____________, or to avoid engaging in the conflict.
What is neutral.
Economic prosperity did not last long in South Carolina as the price of farm goods dropped due to the overseas market and this.
What is overproduction
Though not a direct cause of the Great Depression, this important event plunged the United States even deeper into the depression that had begun earlier in the 1920s.
What is stock market crash
The Japanese attacked this US naval base in 1941, pushing the United States into WWII.
What is Pearl Harbor.
All of the following were goals of the progressive movement in South Carolina EXCEPT: Child Labor Fair Treatment of Workers Immigration Reform Temperance Women's Suffrage Education
What is Immigration Reform
The sinking of this passenger ship began pushing Americans toward considering the reality of entering WWI on the side of the Allies.
What is the Lusitania.
More South Carolinians had access to electricity during the 1920s due to the increased number of these built across the state.
What is hydroelectric dams.
This man was elected in 1936 and promised to give the United States a "new deal."
Who is FDR
This group of bomber pilots who were trained in South Carolina attacked Japan early in 1942.
Who are the Doolittle Raiders.
This Progressive Era movement looked to outlaw alcohol and eventually resulted in Prohibition.
What is the Temperance Movement
The Zimmermann telegraph proposed an alliance between these two nations, pushing the United States even closer to entering WWI.
What is Mexico and Germany.
The use of this new financing solution, more South Carolinians were able to buy the new appliances that were being produced during the 1920s.
What is the installment plan.
This New Deal program employed many artists during the Great Depression.
What is the WPA
This large training base in Columbia, South Carolina was built during WWI but was renamed during WWII.
What is Fort Jackson.
This amendment to the US constitution gave women the right to vote.
What is the 19th amendment.
Because of the rise in anti-German sentiment in South Carolina, the town of Hamburg changed its name to ________.
What is N. Augusta
The textile industry in South Carolina was hit my a number of negative factors. Please list at least two of these.
- Synthetic fibers - Boll Weevil - Over production - Change in style
This massive project created hydroelectric dams along two rivers north of Charleston.
What is the Santee-Cooper Project
The increased industrial production that occurred during WWII finally got the United States out of this.
What is the Great Depression
During the Progressive Era in South Carolina, the minimum working age was raised to _____ and later to ______.
What is 10 and 12.
In one or two complete sentences, describe how WWI impacted South Carolina's economy.
- More industrial jobs - Rise in price of cotton and textiles - Construction of training bases and naval base
This important artistic revival occurred as a direct result of the Great Migration.
What is the Harlem Renaissance.
This man was one of the most important South Carolinians on the national scene during the 1930s and 1940s.
Who is Byrnes
The Tuskeegee airmen came home after WWII as heroes only to experience racism and segregation. The desire of African Americans to eliminate racism at home as well as defeat the enemy abroad is known as what.
What is the "Double V."