Larry liked to make pear desserts for his friends and himself. After a year of eating too many desserts, what happened to Larry?
a. He gained a lot of weight.
b. He broke his leg.
c. His oven quit working.
a. He gained a lot of weight.
To introduce the topic of the paragraph.
Use the word oranges in a sentence.
The oranges were juicy.
Say your two multiplication facts... like
2 x 0 =
2 x 1 =
2 x 3 =
on up to 2 x 12 =
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 ,22 24
What happened that made Batty so upset?
She heard Skye saying that she blamed Batty for her mom dying.
Sometimes "ear" says "air" as in bear. Which words have the "air" sound?
hear wear bear fear
wear and bear
One group wrote a paragraph about the beach this week. Name one thing you said about the beach.
I like to go swimming at the beach. One day there were big waves at the beach. Big waves can cover your head and make it hard for you to swim. A cool breeze can help make the day nice. When I get tired, it's time to go home.
Describe a beach.
A beach is sandy, usually windy, has water that might be big waves, is hot, and fun.
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = _____
5 x 5 = 25
What happened when Batty ran away to Quigley Woods so early the morning after Jeffrey left?
She fell, got lost, and twisted her ankle.
Sometimes "ear" says "er" as in earth. Which words have the "er" sound?
search pear pearl swear
search and pearl
One group wrote about alligators this week. Name one thing you wrote about them.
Alligators in Florida can show up almost anywhere. You may see them when fishing. Some people have seen them in their back yards. Others have only seen them in the zoo. Alligators live in the Everglades. In Florida, you could meet an alligator on any day.
I went on a beautiful ________________.
sunshine tourist vacation alligator
I went on a beautiful vacation.
Solve the following:
33 divided by 11 equals _______
33 divided by 11 = 3
Who picked Batty up after she got lost in the woods?
Wilburforce was very strong and powerful and could do almost anything except:
a. catch a fish
b. catch a cold
c. catch a baseball
a. catch a fish
This week you wrote a paragraph and typed it into your IPad. At the end of your paragraph you wrote a conclusion sentence. What is the job of a conclusion sentence?
A conclusion sentence wraps up the topic and brings it to an end, also can restate the introductory or topic sentence.
A peninsula is a piece of land that sticks out into a body of water. It has water on three sides of it and can be in a creek, river, pond, lake, ocean etc.
Solve the following equation:
(2 + 3) x (2 x 4) = ______
2 + 3 = 5
2 x 4 = 8
5 x 8 = 40
What should Batty have done when she was so upset instead of hiding her feelings?
Batty should have talked with someone, or gone to therapy, or found a way to let somebody help her.
What did Wilburforce create when he had a temper tantrum?
a. a sandcastle
b. a beautiful garden
c. a sandcastle
c. an earthquake
Tell the difference between facts and opinions.
Facts are details that can be proven and opinions are what people believe about something.
The state bird of Florida is the _______________.
Wyatt and Jeremy wanted to go to the store and pick up some snacks. Wyatt had $5 and Jeremy had $4. They decided to put their money together and share the entire snack.
a. How much did they have to spend?
b. If drinks were $2 each and chips were $3 each, what could they buy?
a. They had $9 to spend
b. They could buy 2 drinks ($4) and one bag of chips ($3). They would not have enough money to each get a bag of chips.