A Relaxation Or Mindfulness technique.
What is Breathing/Yoga/Mindfulness exercise/or meditation?
A dimension of Wellness that focusing on exercise and following up with doctor and dentist appoitnments?
What is Physical Wellness?
Career, Volunteering, employer/employee communication
What is Occupational Dimension of Wellness
Quitting smoking is an important part of what area of wellness
Physical (also, financial)
You started your day with a yoga class - wow! you've already impacted 2 dimensions of wellness. Which ones?
Physical & Spiritual (eventually this will help with emotional, too) BEST ANSWER
Self Care can be
What is listening to music, taking a walk, being silly, alone time, a bubble bath, reading a book, or engaging in a hobby?
If we are examining core values, practicing a particular religion, or interacting with and appreciating the beauty of nature, what wellness area are we working on?
Smoking, drinking, fighting
Healthy or Unhealthy
If you have no where to sleep in the winter, what number can you call to get help?
a. 411
b. 911
c. 211
d. 119
Brain exercises help this area of wellness
What is Intellectual Wellness?
Quality time with friends/family, meeting new people or visiting new places
Social Dimension of Wellness
Sometimes our living space is cluttered. Which dimension, primarily, is impacted negatively?
Personal interests, Education and brain exercises can keep our brain active. This relates to what area of wellness?
The 8 dimensions of wellness is published by what organization (letters only)
c. KFC
A debate or hearing other people's perspectives can help what area(s) of wellness?
Intellectual or Social
Knowing how to only buy things that are needs and limiting the amounts of wants you have.
What area of wellness?
If we are paying attention to healthy nutrition, what dietary habit would be good to eliminate?
Binge eating, alcohol use, too much sugar, too much salt, too much fat, too many carbs
Moderation is key!
Worrying about money affects this area________, which can cause anxiety, which affects this area______
Financial & Emotional
Green living, change of scenery, family counseling can help what area of wellness?
Outdoor activities, Recycling, volunteer efforts to cleanup parks or beaches, going green.
Environmental Dimension of Wellness
Name the 8 dimensions of wellness
What are Emotional, Intellectual, Social, Spiritual, Physical, Environmental, Occupational, and Financial Wellness?
Depression and Anxiety and impact which areas of wellness?
(List at least two)
You have just found work and you can pay your bills! You are less anxious and you are seeing friends again. You are also getting good sleep? Name the 4 areas of wellness that are improved
Occupational, Emotional, Social, Physical
When we look at ourselves through 8 dimensions of wellness, we are looking at our whole self. What is another word for this view of wellness?
a. Holistic
b. ballistic
c. Mental Health
d. Yoga