Irish Intrigues

This is the English meaning of the Latin word of Unicorn

What is one horned 


Unlike most of the crow cousins like crows and Ravens, Magpies are scared of type of item

What are shiny things


It is bad luck to change the name of a boat.  If it is done sailor’s had one of these ceremonies preformed before going back to sea 

What is a christening, which is where the tradition of the champagne bottle came from


The lace of Princess Kates wedding dress was a pattern of Thistle for Scotland, Daffodils for Wales, and this plant for Northern Ireland.

What is the Shamrock


Founder Dave Thomas worked for this popular Chicken Chain before starting his own fast food chain

What is Kentucky Fried Chicken


The spiral horn of the unicorn is officially known as this 

What is an Alicorne, from the Italian pronunciation of Unicornus


Magpies are one of the few creatures who can to do this when a mirror is present 

What is recognize themself 


2 4 6 8 casting your nets if unlucky if you do it as this type of number

What is even


This Dublin born author wrote one of the most  famous vampire novels of all time about a Carpathian ruler who came to London as Dracula

Who is Bram Stoker 


The first Wendy’s opened in this Ohio city in 1969

What is Columbus 


Pliny the Elder, a Greek historian coined the word Monoceros, which described the unicorn as well as the Indian species of this animal

What is Indian Rhinoceros  


A large group of crows is known as a murder, ravens as a congress,  A large group of Magpies is known by this common British term

What is a parliament 


Because it was thought to call down bad luck, it was forbidden to casually talk about this happening during sea voyage

What is drowning


Known in Gaelic as “an Gorta Mor“ this event cause partly by blight saw the population of Ireland drop by millions of people.  Which Ireland still has not recovered from

What is the great famine 


Because this happenned to Dave a child he started a charitable foundation to help children who have gone through the same thing.

What is adoption


The pegasi is a unicorn with these appendages.  They are not the same thing as Pegasus which have the same appendages but no horn

What are wings 


Magpies are incriedibly intelligent and can be trained to do this trick just like their cousin critter the Mina bird

What is talk or mimic human speech, as well as other bird spiecies


After eating breakfast breaking these into very small pieces kept witches from boarding the ship.

What is egg shells


Made up of a long line of volcanic Basalt this famous Path extends out into the North Sea from the Irish Isle

What is the Giant’s causeway


The famous Chocolate Frosty also has this common flavor in the mix

The famous Chocolate Frosty also has this common flavor in the mix


This is the term for a baby unicorn, and it a takes about a year for it to grow its horn

What is a sparkle.  By the way baby unicorns have to grow horn after birth because it would injure the mother 


Mag in magpie is short for Margret, which is a nickname for this type of woman because people thought their call mimicked a large crowd of chattering ladies. 

What is a gossip 


If you lost this to the wind or in the see it was said to be an omen of a long difficult voyage 

What is a hat?


This is the longest River in Ireland and also shares it Name as a popular ladies name in Ireland 

What is the Shannon


The Wendy’s logo is rumored to contain the name of this most favored cook

What is MOM