Just another statistic
Life In Early Recovery
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True Or False Most people with an opioid use disorder are not using medication-assisted treatment such as buprenorphine or methadone.


Correct answer gets 300

If Stolen 600


Many people in early recovery still have tendency to do this, that can enable continued substance use.

What is relapse justification

Correct answer gets 500

If Stolen 800


A desire or dream you try to achieve in a certain amount of time, no matter the costs.

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team

What are goals

Correct answer gets 1000

Incorrect answer 100 to the other team


What was the name of the first woman to travel in space?

 If you picked this before it was the last category available you must answer with no help from your team and it becomes a Right or *Wrong question  

Valentina Tereshkova

Correct answer gets 1000

If Stolen 2000

*Wrong 1500 to the other team


What percentage young adults age 18 to 25 in the US had an alcohol use disorder in 2023,

15.1% of young adults 18 to 25 in the US had an alcohol use disorder in 2023 or about 5.1 million young adults 

Closest answer gets 800


When a person enters a detox program for substance abuse, they usually receive medical clearance after this many days.

 Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team

What is 5-7

Correct answer 800

Incorrect answer 200 to the other team


Some high risk situations to avoid are to not let yourself get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. What acronym can help you remember these circumstances.

 Only the person who picked can answer and must answer in 30 seconds starting NOW!!

What is HALT

Correct answer 400

Incorrect answer 200 to the other team


 What is the family name of the ruling dynasty of Monaco? 

 If you picked this before it was the last category available you must answer with no help from your team and it becomes a Right or *Wrong question  


Correct answer gets 1000

If stolen 2000

If *Wrong 1500 to the other team


This age group has the highest total of treatment admission for substance abuse over the past 3 years

4 year age range 

What is 25-29 

Closest gets 900


People, places & things that cause people to have thoughts associated with substance use

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team

What are triggers

Correct answer 900

Incorrect answer 300 to the other team


This is a clinical condition where an individual will not acknowledge their substance use as a problem in spite of overwhelming evidence.

What is denial

Correct answer gets 600

If stolen 900


If you’re running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?

Only the person who picked can answer and you have 15 seconds to give your final answer starting NOW!!


2nd Place

Right answer gets 600

Wrong answer 900 to the other team


According to AA, a person is this percentage more likely to achieve long term sobriety if they obtain and meet regularly with a sponsor

What is 66 percent

Closest wins 800


Following detox, a person in early recovery will continue to experience symptoms of emotional/ psychological withdrawal. Also known by this acronym...... MEOW

What is PAWS


Initial perceptions of one self, other people and situations that need to be challenged for validity.

What are cognitive distortions.

Correct answer gets 2000

If Stolen 2000


In 1835, Richard Lawrence made the first ever attempt to assassinate a United States president, but misfired. Who was Lawrence's target?

If you picked this before it was the last category available you must answer with no help from your team and it becomes a Right or *Wrong question  

Andrew Jackson

Correct answer 1600

If stolen 2000

*Wrong answer 2400 to the other team


It is estimated that approximately this percent of parents talk to their children about the dangers associated with substance abuse.

What is 33 percent

closest wins 1000


Re-occurrence of behaviors associated with substance use following a period of sobriety are known as these.

What are relapse warning signs

Correct answer gets 1000

If stolen 1500


For the best chance of staying sober, what is the MINIMUM length of time a person should stay in treatment?

What is 90 days.

Correct answer 1000

If stolen 1500


What company is the largest purchaser of potatoes in the world?

If you picked this before it was the last category available you must answer with no help from your team and it becomes a Right or *Wrong question  


correct answer gets 2000

If stolen 3000

*Wrong answer 3500 to the other team