The NO "R" Zone
Monday Recovery
Not As Hard As Last Week (NR)

Living with a family member who uses, Hanging out with old friends, Not having a support system, Thinking it is okay to use "just once." 

What are possible threats to my recovery?

Correct answer 300

If stolen 500


People, Places, and Things

What are external triggers?

Correct answer 700

If Stolen 1000


To fall back into a previous condition, especially after a partial recover from illness. 

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team

What is relapse?

Correct answer 500

incorrect answer 200 to the other team


Which U.S. State is known as "The Apache State", "The Aztec State", "The Valentine State" and "The Italy of America"?


Correct answer 1000

If Stolen 2000


The best tool for time management when first starting recovery.

What is scheduling?

Correct answer 600

If stolen 1000


A thought or a feeling that can create a craving to use drugs.

What is an Internal Trigger?

Correct answer 600

If stolen 800


the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team. 

What is Addiction?

Correct answer 400

Incorrect answer 200 to the other team


Many Japanese celebrate Christmas with a special meal from which USA fast food chain restaurant?

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Correct answer 1000

If stolen 2000


What does IOP stand for? 

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Correct answer 900

incorrect 300 to the other team


a mental process (e.g., repression or projection) initiated, typically unconsciously, to avoid conscious conflict or anxiety.

What are defense mechanisms?

Correct answer 900

If stolen 1200


Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Oriented

What are SMART goals?

Correct answer 900

If stolen 1200


Who was the sixth president of the United States?

John Quincy Adams

Correct answer 900

If stolen 1200


 This is what you build up, develop, create and learn by controlling your behavior repeatedly.

Self Control

Correct answer 800

If stolen 1200


the action of keeping away from or not doing something

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team

What is avoidance

Correct answer 800

If stolen 1200


The act of keeping your friends and family informed about your recovery.

What is holding yourself accountable?

Correct answer 1200

If stolen 2000


Which country is the largest producer of coffee?

R/W no challenge


Correct answer 2000

Wrong answer 2800 to the other team


Personal, big-picture targets you strive to hit monetarily 

Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team

What are financial goals

Correct answer 1000

incorrect answer 500 to the other team 


You should do this to avoid toxic people being able to contact you. 

What is change your phone number or block them

Correct answer 1000

If Stolen 2000


What does SOP stand for

Supportive outpatient program 

Correct answer 1000

If stolen 1500


Who is the creator of the animated TV series "The Simpsons"?

Matt Groening

Correct answer 2500

If stolen 3500