The Body
She's having a baby
Special Populations
EMS Operations
Mass Casualty

Bones are connected to other bones by bands of tough fibrous tissues called:



A 33 yof who is 36 weeks pregnant is experiencing vaginal bleeding. During transport, you note that she suddenly became diaphoretic, tachycardic, and hypotensive. You should:

place her in a left lateral recumbent position


As many as 40% of patients with Down Syndrome have:

a heart condition

As soon as you leave the hospital and are en-route back to your station, you should inform the dispatcher:

whether you are back in service


A patient in respiratory arrest at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident would typically be classified as a fourth priority (black tag; expectant) patient, unless:

there are enough resources to provide care for him or her


A 17 yo football player collided with another player and has pain to his left clavicle. He is holding his arm against his chest and refuses to move it. Your assessment reveals obvious deformity to the midshaft clavicle. After assessing digital pulse, sensory, and motor functions, you should:

immobilize the injury with a sling and swathe


Abruptio placenta occurs when:

the placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall.


By placing one hand on your head and the other hand over your abdomen, your are asking a hearing-impaired person if he or she:

is sick


If you could only take two pieces of equipment with you to a patient's side, you should choose the:

AED and portable suction unit


According to the JumpSTART triage system, infants and children not developed enough to walk or follow commands, including children with special needs:

should be taken to the treatment area for immediate secondary triage


A 76 yof experiences sudden pain to her left thigh when she was standing in lione at the grocery store. Your assessment reveals ecchymosis and deformity to the distal aspect of the left femur, just above the knee. Distal circulation, sensory, and motor functions are intact. You should:

apply padded board splints to both sides of the leg


After a fetus has descended into the pelvis at the end of the third trimester, many mothers experience:

easier breathing


EMTs are dispatched for a patient whose central venous catheter is malfunctioning. When they arrive and assess the patient, the find bleeding from the tubing attached to the line. The EMTs should:

apply direct pressure to the tubing and transport


The six-pointed Star of Life emblem identifies vehicles that:

meet federal specifications as licensed or certified ambulances


According to the START triage system, what should you do if a patient is found to have a respiratory rate of 24 breaths/min?

assess for bilateral radial pulses


During your assessment of a 29 yof with significant deformity to her left elbow, you are unable to palpate a radial pulse. Your transport time to the hospital is approximately 40 minutes. You should:

apply gentle traction in line with the limb and reassess for a pulse.


CPR is in progress on a pulseless 29 yom who is 37 weeks pregnant. When treating this patient, the EMT should:

manually displace the patient's uterus to the left


When assessing or providing care to a patient with an intellectual disability, you should:

be observant for signs of fear or reluctance from the patient


Your unit has been dispatched to stand by at the scene of a structure fire. There are no injuries of which you are aware. Upon arriving at the scene, you should:

ask the incident commander where the ambulance should be staged


At a very large incident, the ___________ section is responsible for managing the tactical operation usually handled by the incident commander on routine EMS calls.



A 50 yom is entrapped in his passenger car after it struck a tree. As the rescue team is preparing to extricate him, you quickly assess him and determine that he is breathing shallowly and his radial pulse is absent. You should:

maintain spinal immobilization as he is extricated


If a pregnant patient must be placed on a backboard, you should:

elevate the right side of the board with rolled towels or blankets


When interacting with an intellectually disabled patient, the best approach is to:

ask your team members to wait until you can establish rapport with the patient


A 49 yom has been removed from his overturned tanker, which was carrying a hazardous material. The tank ruptured, and he was exposed to the material. When rescue personnel bring him to the decontamination area, they note that he is unconscious and has slow, shallow breathing. They should:

cut away all the patient's clothing and do a rapid rinse to remove as much of the contaminating matter as they can


Continual reassessment of the scene at a suspected terrorist or weapon of mass destruction incident is MOST important because:

a secondary explosive device might detonate