What piece of furniture was randomly removed from monicas apartments?
Wooden beam
Doc emerick "Off the floor, On the board, Paul kariya"
When was Western Founded
What is the time difference between my first 6th grade mile and my PR
What was the first song I learned on guitar
Smoke on the water
What was the first question asked in the trivia game?
What is monicas biggest pet peeve.
"Golden Goal"
Sydney Crosby hit the ot winning goal to win the gold medal in the winter olympics
How many national championships does western have (double points if you name the years)
2 (1964 and 1965 cross country)
First and last middle school xc race
Why did I start liking Volbeat
Dad used to play Devils bleeding crown and Lola montez for me
What were the names of Monica and Chandlers twins?
Erica and Jack
When was wmu added to the mac
Difference between my first track race in 6th grade and the winner of that race
What was my most played song of 2024
Beer for my horses (Toby Keith and Willie Nelson)
When rachel wore princess leahs gold bikini, how did chandler ruin it for ross?
Made him think of his mother
"Gretzkey had it and he lost it..moving up...blue line chance SCORES"
Yzermans game winning goal to go to the stanley cups finals
What is the name of the trophy that is awarded to the winner of the wmu and cmu football game
The victory cannon
First and last discuss throws (the farthest distances)
35" 5'
What song was I able to pronounce the title backwards and mom videod it
Dont know how to spell it but you know what it is.
What was the one question joey asked his new female roommate during his interview with her?
When can you move in
"Good morning, Good afternoon, and Goodnight Pittsburgh, we're going to Tampa Bay"
Player for the capitols scored a goal in the second roud of the playoff to go to the championship round
Where is the cursed W located
By the library
First and last 800
What is my favorite Wiggles song