What popular meme song came out of the 80s
Never Gonna Give You Up
What famous movie about fighting ghost came from the 80s
What game about a yellow half circle was released in the 1980?
pan man
what leg accessory was notorious in the 80s
leg warmers
What fizzy drink brand was all the rage
Coca Cola
What song is the opposite of "highway to hell"
Stairway to Heaven
what famous movie is named after a meal time
The Breakfast Club
what is the name of the first ever game in the mario series
Donkey Kong
What help make shoulders more broad in the 80s
Shoulder pads
what sweet chocolate became popular because of ET
Reece’s Pieces
What Michael Jackson song was released in 1982?
What famous teen drama, that has a musical adaptation came out in 1988?
What is the name of the game series were the main character commonly mistaken with a side character
The Legend of Zelda
what type of print was popular to wear?
Animal print
What food was known to be messy in the 80s
Sloppy Joes
what song won a Grammy for Best Rock Performance
Eye of the Tiger
What movie was made with killer Venus flytrap in 1986
Little Shop of Horrors
What puzzle game was made in 1985
what soft drink got its own rugby shirt?
What food became famous because of The Breakfast Club?
What song became the UK's first number one hit
Wake Me up Before You Go-Go
What anime film was released in 1986?
Castle in the sky.
What tabletop adventure game became popular in the 80s?
Dungeons and Dragons
What pair of jeans dominated closets of 80s teen?
Acid-wash jeans.
What frosty treat became extremely popular in the 80s
Pudding Pops