
Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford starred in this action thriller that kept us on our toes while the good Dr figures out who set him up.

What was The Fugitive?


Tom Cruise challenged this actor in the JAG courtroom and that scene had us all on edge! Can you handle the truth?

What was a Few Good Men?


Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt starred as debonair vampires in this 90’s vampire thriller.

What was Interview with the Vampire?


Pretty Woman starred Julia Roberts and this handsome fellow in our favorite RomCom of 1990.

Who was Richard Gere?


Keaunu Reeves stars alongside Laurence Fishburne in this 1999 Sci-Fi classic!

What is The Matrix?


Keanu Reeves starred alongside this leading lady while trying to NOT stop the City Bus!

Who was Sandra Bullock?


Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton starred in this weather related drama. We were all scared Aunt Meg had been killed, but these storms just pushed our scientists harder.

What was Twister?


In 1999, shot as a documentary style film in the woods, this movie scared us all even though it had no elaborate special effects or make-up. It was all the buzz among teens that year!

What was the Blair Witch project?


Bill Murray stars in this ever repeating romcom alongside Andi MacDowell. Still a classic today!

What is Groundhog Day?


Tommy Lee Jones starred alongside this actor in Men in Black.

Who is Will Smith?


Nicholas Cage and Sean Connery worked through some issues and dodged some bullets trying to break in tho this place that most try to escape from.

What was Alcatraz?


This young actor got a major boost to his career along side Kate Winslet in the Titanic.

Who is Leonardo DiCaprio?


Wes Craven creates this classic horror movie that went on to have 3 sequels. The mask and the black robe are now seen every Halloween.

What was Scream?


In “French Kiss” Meg Ryan is trying to reform thief and wine maker Luc Teyssier. What is is actors name?

Who is Kevin Kline?


In 1998 Matthew Broderick starred in the 23rd version of this movie starring our favorite giant lizard.

What was Godzilla?


In 1996 this action movie launched a series of 6 sequels (with 2 more in the works). That boosted the career of an already established super star.

What was Mission Impossible?


Appollo 13 starred this actor playing the part of Jim Lovell, Commander of the mission that failed.

Who was Tom Hanks?


Maybe not a horror-slasher movie but Anthony Hopkins sure scared us to death in this thriller co-starring Jodie Foster.

What was Silence of the Lamb?


The quote “Show Me The Money!” Came from this popular 90’s movie starring Tom Cruise.

What is Jerry Maguire?


Jurassic Park came to our big screen for the first time in 1993. Based on the novel by this author, this movie would go on to have 4 additional movies afterwards with no signs of stopping!

Who is Michael Crichton?


Comedian Dave Chappelle starred in this corny action movie, set in a retired USAF C-123

What was Con Air?


This director made history with Schindler’s List. It won 7 Academy Awards and was nominated for 12. It has also been preserved in the Library of Congress-National Film registry. Known as one of the greatest films ever made. 

Who was Steven Spielberg?


Jeff Daniels starred in this movie that terrorized us all when it comes to our 8 legged “friends”

What is Arachnophobia?


This NFL star played a cameo in “There’s Something About Mary”

Who is Brett Farve?


In Armageddon, we watched our planet threatened then ultimately saved by Harry Stamper(Bruce Willis). Harry’s daughter Grace was in love with fellow hero played by this actor.

Who was Ben Affleck?