This Steven Spielberg movie co-starred a young Drew Barrymore
E.T. the extra terrestrial
A best friend and a brother in law help a man raise his three daughters
Full House
This music video was popular for its comic book style.
Take On Me
Round yellow guy eats white out for ghosts.
The original deconstruction of the superhero concept, considered to be one of the greatest literary works of the 20th century. This book is described as the "moment comic books grew up".
This movie has a famous beach volleyball scene in cutoff jean shorts
Top Gun
This show had a talking car and The Hoff
Knight Rider
This female singer exclaimed that girls just want to have fun.
Cyndi Lauper
In this game you have to jump on creatures called Goombas and Koopa Troopas
Super Mario Bros
Arguably the best Batman story ever portrays a futuristic world where The Batman is long retired. But, Gotham may need him for one last saving.
Dark Knight Returns
This 80s blockbuster hit starring Bill Murray featured a cool theme song and a floating Sigourney Weaver.
A team of ex special forces operatives starring Mr. T
The A-Team
Before Glee this song was most famously used in the final scene of the Sopranos
Don't Stop Believing
Make sure to look both ways before you cross the street.
This two issue story arc in the pages of Uncanny X-Men was so strong it shares a title and plot with the 2014 X-Men film.
Days of Future Past
A movie where a high school kid is best friends with a disgraced physicist. The high school kid also kisses his mom in this movie.
Back To The Future
A family takes in an Alien with an attitude.
David Bowie joins Queen for this musical gem.
Under Pressure
Little Italian man has to climb up scaffolding to save the princess while avoiding barrels thrown by this guy.
Donkey Kong
Although most of this comic was released in the 90s it began in the 80s. A comic written by Alan Moore about Jack The Ripper. Later was turned into a movie starring Jonny Depp
From Hell
The movie that popularized the Truffle Shuffle
The Goonies
This dark cop show from the 80s was turned into a movie straying Colin Ferral and Jamie Foxx in 2006
This man is the brother of a famous action star. He wrote and performed the song Far From Over for the film Staying Alive, a film that was written and directed by his brother.
Frank Stallone
In the original version the goal of this game is to serve beer to thirsty customers, it was later changed to root beer.
In 1988 DC left the fate of Robin in the hands of the readers who would call in and vote if they wanted him to live or die in the next story arc. 10,614 votes were cast and by only 72 murdering the poor child won over. Which Robin was murdered?
Jason Todd