Words with multiple meanings
Numbers continued
All or Nothing
More or Less

A monolith can refer to a large organization that acts as a single unit. It can also describe 

A large stone block of wood 


'A long speech made by one performer or by one person in a group,' is the definition for this word 

What is a monologue 

'A group of three literary or musical works that have a related theme' is the definition for this term

What is a trilogy 


'Present everywhere' is the definition for this term 

What is omnipresent 


'Well stocked or abundantly supplied' is the definition for this term 

What is replete 


A quartet can refer to a musical composition for four voices or instruments. It can also describe 

What is a a set of four, especially of four musicians 


To reach a verdict, a jury must achieve a _________ decision. This term completes the sentence 

What is unanimous 


The two highways _________ the once-united community into three separate neighborhoods. This term completes the sentence 

What is trisected 


To the ancient British tribes the invading Roman army seemed ______. This term completes the sentence 

What is omnipotent 


Many historians believed the civil rights movement began in earnest when Rosa Parks refused to _______ with the law requiring black people to sit in the back of the bus. This term completes the sentence 

What is comply


Catholic can refer to the Roman Catholic church. It can also means

What is universal or including most things


'A dwelling with two living units,' is the definition for this term 

What is a duplex

'A stanza or group of four lines of poetry' is the definition for this term 

What is a quatrain 

'A cure-all for diseases or troubles' is the definition for this term 

What is a panacea 


Most students have only a tenuous grasp of economics. Tenuous here means

What is flimsy or having little substance or validity 


A cloister can refer to a covered walk along the inside walls of a building, usually looking out on a courtyard. It can also refer to 

What is a monastery or similar place of religious seclusion


Forgers try to _________ precisely the paper, design, and engraving techniques of a genuine currency. This term completes the sentence. 

What is duplicate 


In 1989 the _______ of the first ten amendments to the U.S. constitution, the Bill of Rights, was celebrated. This term completes the sentence 

What is bicentennial 


Rain ______ our taking a walk. This term completes the sentence 

What is precluded 

'To satisfy an appetite fully; to gratify to excess' is the definition for this term 

What is satiate 


Negate can mean to disprove or nullify. It's other meaning is

What is to cancel out 


Local restaurants cannot compete with a ______ like a national fast-food chain. This term completes the sentence

What is a monolith 

'An athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in ten events' is the definition for this term 

What is a decathlon 

'A person who avoids mixing with people' is the definition for this term 

What is a recluse 


'Noble or generous, especially in forgiving; not petty' is the definition for this term 

What is magnanimous