8.1 1-4
8-1 5-8
8.2 1-4
8.2 5-8

  • Three people are wearing shirts with solid colors. ________________ people are wearing striped shirts.
  • Three people are wearing shirts with solid colors. _____The other___ people are wearing striped shirts.

  • There are two men in the picture. __________ people in the picture are women.
  • There are two men in the picture. The other__ people in the picture are women.
  • I have a staff meeting every other week. How many meetings do I have each month?

2 per month

  • Do you like to eat cookies one after another?



  • Three people are wearing shirts with solid colors. ________________ people are wearing striped shirts.
  • Three people are wearing shirts with solid colors. ______The other___ people are wearing striped shirts.

  • The girl with the white shirt is shorter than ___________in the picture.
  • The girl with the white shirt is shorter than ___The others__in the picture.
  • I see the doctor every other month. How many times do I see a doctor each year?

6 times per year


Everyone in this room is nice other than Dan. Who is nice and who isn’t nice in this room?

Nice=all -1

not nice=Dan


  • One person is holding an English sign. ____________ person is holding a French sign. ___________ are holding signs in _____________ languages.
  • One person is holding an English sign. _____another__ person is holding a French sign. _________The others__ are holding signs in __other__ languages.

  • The girl with the ‘hola’ sign is shorter than _____________ people in the picture.
  • The girl with the ‘hola’ sign is shorter than _Other__ people in the picture.
  • I visited my parents the other day. Did I visit them yesterday? Did I visit them last year? When did I visit them?

not yesterday...but recently

  • All of the people are nice except for the girl with the English sign. Who is not nice?

the girl with the English sign.


  • There are two men in the picture. __________ people in the picture are women.
  • There are two men in the picture. __The other___ people in the picture are women.

  • Two people are holding signs with their right hand. ____________ is holding a sign with the left hand. ___________________ people are holding signs with two hands.

  • Two people are holding signs with their right hand. __Another___ is holding a sign with the left hand. ____The other___ people are holding signs with two hands.
  • Why do soldiers line up one after the other?

Because someone tells them to line up one after the other.

  • My grammar class is amazing. _______________, It is the greatest class ever.
  • In another word
  • On the other word
  • In other words
  • In the another word
  • On other words.
  • My grammar class is amazing. _______________, It is the greatest class ever.
  • In other words